He is so handsome and looks like a sweet boy.  I am so sorry that he crossed 
the Bridge.
  :( Gina

Annieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Simms was 4 years old and feline leukemia positive. I had

hopes that he was just a carrier as he did so well for the first

three years I had him with me but he became very ill a couple

of months ago, with sneezing and lots of congestion.

He was very special. Such a big sweet guy. He had this

tender, kind of puzzled but curious, look about him and he

never fought with anyone. He was very friendly with the other cats,

such a sweetheart. This list's dear Tamara found him

at a beautiful waterfront park there in Maryland, along with

his brother, Tambours. She posted on this very list about his

needing a home and that he was feline leukemia positive. I

was lucky enough to be chosen by Tamara. As I told her

today on the phone, I thanked her for giving him to me

because he gave me just pure joy and sunshine every single

day. Tamara loved him so much that she drove 18 hours

(wasn't it, T?), straight, to deliver him to me in Michigan from

Maryland. (She also brought me Sophie that day, to those

of you who are familiar with Sophie).

He was a pretty peachy shade of color with that lovely

target-shaped swirl on his sides and big creamy white feet

and some white on his chest and face, too. He had big, tall

elegant ears that I loved to stroke when he let me, finally. He

was pretty big but when he meowed, it was so soft and high

pitched, it was adorable. He didn't meow often as he was

very uncomplaining. When Tamara left him with me, she

told me I would find that he was a very special cat and she

was right, indeed. :-)

He must have died overnight, although he still felt a bit

warm when I lifted him. I woke up and thought he was not

breathing so I let the dogs out and had a better look and yes,

my sweet darling boy is gone. His eyes were half open but

he did not look scared or in pain. He was stretched out like

he was having a good nap and his whiskers were pointing

forward. I'm not sure what that meant but I am consoling

myself by thinking he did go peacefully and unafraid.

I got a package from Tamara yesterday. She had sent

two kitty pop-up tents for Simms and the other cats, to cheer

Simms up. They are so cool! He was not interested in the

tent but he did want to sleep on the crinkly soft pad.

I am kind of in shock and grief-torn because I thought he

was doing a bit better after seeming like he would die earlier

this week. He was diagnosed with either pneumonia or

cancer last month and had been on two antibiotics at a time

for a while and single antibiotics constantly, along with pain

meds towards the end. He wouldn't eat during his last week

or so but he would let me force-feed him A/D and chicken

baby food along with squirts of water all day long. He was a

bit interested in the window and the birdies outside

yesterday and he let me stroke his soft head over and over

which he never trusted me to do much, previously, so I had

thought maybe he was a bit better and would continue to


I buried him earlier today with his Christmas stocking and

his little mouse and this cute stuffed animal that Tamara sent with

him, a purple beanbag bear. It was a beautiful day and that

just made it even harder. He was such a dear polite gentle

sweet funny gentleman of a cat, a very special, loving boy

and I loved him mightily.

Here is a link to a few of my favorite photos of him that

I uploaded online in case someone would like to see what

he looked like: http://tinyurl.com/38skop

Well, sorry for this being so long but I know you guys, if anyone,
would understand.

Anne and angels Simms, Jimi Too Cool and Bugsy

along with Sophie and my other living cats and dogs in Michigan

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