Hey Melissa, 

This is so strange.  I just emailed you off-list about
Cassidy's results.  I'm really sorry he tested
positive.  You might consider calling BF instead of
emailing.  It might be quicker.  I have the number if
you need it.  

I was thinking the other day about tornadoes.  We've
had several here recently.  We even had one touch down
just south of our house in our little community when I
was in San Antonio week before last!  I started
thinking if another one comes, how am I going to get 7
cats, 3 large dogs, my 250 lb. husband, and myself
into our small bathroom, AND put a mattress over us
all?!!!  I don't even think a mattress would fit in
that small bathroom, much less all of us!  We don't
even have 7 cat carriers.  3 at the most, so that
would be really interesting.  We'd have to have
carriers because of the dogs, so I'm guessing I need
to pick up a few more just to be safe.  I so wish we
had a tornado shelter.  Maybe I'll get out there with
one of my larger cooking spoons and start


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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