i know that most of us really aren't looking for any new FeLVs, but if
anyone is even CONSIDERING one, there is a GORGEOUS boy in VA looking for a
place of his own...... he's two, is positive on both the snap and IFA, in
good health--and there is just something about his smile and his eyes that
won't let go of my heart. if there were any way that i could take him, i
would, but there isn't..... he DOES have a sanctuary placements--anyone
familiar with Witty Kitty's in IA?--but like all cats, he deserves a home of
his furry own....

i have his photo and info if anyone is interested.....

sigh.....  why CAN'T we save them all??????


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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