The adopters need to put out a humane trap, baited with canned mackeral or 
something along those lines (smelly fish is especially useful but catnip 
sometimes works when food does not).  Put the trap near the window where she 
got out.  She is probably nearby and hiding and will come out when it is dark 
and quiet to look for food.
  Are there any feral groups in the area where she escaped?  Would help to 
contact them.  She may may her way to a feral colony in search of food.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                One of the rescued kitties, Mattie who is about one year old, a 
beautiful long hair calico girl, Mattie is missing from her new adopted home 
since last night on the first day – she is partly feral and we desaprately 
trying to find her again – she is very new to the area as she got out of the 
house from the screen window on the first day – I put the flyers out everywhere 
– she is microchiped, but since she is sort of feral, so more likely non one 
will see her during day time or catch her – please pray that we will find her 
soon and bring her back safely – here’s the meditation which has worked for so 
many missing kitties in the past – please meditate for Mattie as she is such a 
sweet angel and she is sooooooooo scared right now as she has no idea where she 
is and where to find a food – than kyou for all your prayers and meditations in 
  You imagine a golden coil coming from your heart center
  Searching and probing for missing Mattie!
  Latch onto her like a magnet and guiding safely home to Dawne!
  All the prayers are so appreciated.

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