i'm willing to bet that what appeared in Cat Fancy is this:


which is a PRESS RELEASE. it is not news. it should not be read as news.


MaryChristine has found the cure for FeLV!!!!!!! Please contact your banker,
and make arrangements to direct-deposit your next ten-year's worth of salary
to her account!



think i'll send it to cat fancy, see if it works.

On 4/29/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I actually know the person who posted that article to the Best Friends
Network.  She's a friend of mine; however, her vet is Dr. Norsworthy
and she trusts him completely, much like I do my vet.  If my vet told
me my cat needed a vaccine for this condition, I would believe him.
In fact, when she told me she was getting her cats vaccinated against
this mutated calici virus I went to *my* vet and asked him about it.
Dr. Norswothy published an article in the January issue of Cat Fancy,
which I do not subscribe to but he does, so I went so far as to dig
through his issues and drag it out and show it to him.  I would say
the Cat Fancy article is more the source of the rumors than the BF
article is, as it came out in January and the BF article came out just
a couple of days ago.  That is just my opinion though.

He told me that Fort Dodge makes vaccines of questionable quality, and
that he did not recommend giving the vaccine.  He only uses Meiral
vaccines.  Also does not recommend the FIP vaccine which is also
manufactured by Ft Dodge.  He says he has never seen a case of this
and that the (admittedly gruesome) pictures that accompanied the Cat
Fancy article could be several other things.  So I never paid any
attention to this calici thing after that.

I'm not going to argue with my friend about what her trusted vet says,
though.  It wouldn't serve any purpose and is not a battle I would

> I've concluded this is a scam by Fort Dodge (via a vet working under
> thumb through a big-time advertising company that has questionable
> practices).
> I have submitted it to snopes.com so they can research it further, as
> have better researchers than myself on their staff. I can find no
studies or
> evidence online to back up these statements of a wide-spread new Calici
> outbreak requiring immediate vaccination with the new vaccine. All the
> "many" outbreaks I've seen posted are the word of mouth statements by
> Dr. Norsworthy - a vet with current articles online that state blatantly
> FALSE facts with regards to current vaccination options and protocols.
> only reference to calici outbreaks that matches the descriptions are on
> these webpages, which are several YEARS past now (the one outbreak I've
> documented by trusted sources happened in a very confined area in CA in
> 2002):
> http://www.sheltermedicine.com/portal/is_vs_fcv.shtml
> http://www.sheltermedicine.com/portal/journals.php
> http://www.goodnewsforpets.com/Articles.asp?ID=695
> http://www.dvmvac.org/swiftaction.asp
> http://www.patentdebate.com/PATAPP/20040259225 (vaccine
> seems to have been at least partly patented in 2004 by UC Davis
> I did find the name of the vet who is traveling the country giving
> presentations about this new strain of calici, Dr. Norsworthy:
> http://network.bestfriends.org/texas/news/14454.html
> (this article may be the main source of all of the rumors, actually, as
> people trust Best Friends as a good source of information. What people
> to be aware of is that ANY news source can be influenced by the drug
> campaigns. I believe this is an unfortunate case of just that having
> happened.)
> Not very surprisingly to me, when I found a link explaining Dr.
> work and presentations, the page for "more info" is no longer there:
> http://www.goodnewsforpets.com/Articles.asp?ID=699
> http://www.dvmvac.org/drnorsworthy.htm
> Doing more digging, I did find this on the same website, and if you just
> READ the answers this "vet" gives to the questions you can quickly
> that one of two things are going on here:
> 1. This vet is a total moron that doesn't know about the most basic
> of veterinary care, like INTRA_NASAL vaccines.
> 2. This is SO outdated, it was pre-Intra-nasal vaccine days, and thus
> it so medically outdated as to be completely useless in modern medicine
> circles, thus completely removing any credibility to this rumor:
> http://www.dvmvac.org/norsworthy_calicivirus.asp
> Also of note, this entire website is a VERY PRO_VACCINE website, even
> so far as to deny the proven facts about VAS and denouncing the new
> feline vaccination guidelines of every 3 years for many vaccines! This
> particular vet seems to be "in the pocket" of the pro-vaccination
> namely, the vaccine manufacturers. In fact the website dvmvac.org, is
run by
> a company that blatantly, on their main website proudly professes their
> specialty, making people believe what they need to believe to get the
> client's message across:
> " Germinder & Associates, Inc. Reaching influentials and
> building categories and achieving outstanding results are our hallmarks.
> Although the Internet has vastly changed communications today, Germinder
> Associates knows from our twenty-six years of agency experience that
> providing the right mix of tactics and targeted information is still
> essential to success. Our award-winning firm brings you the best of both
> worlds - traditional marketing communications experience and online
> communications expertise to deliver the most effective programs for your
> message. "
> Not so coincidentally, one of their OTHER main clients are Wyeth Animal
> Health, a sister company of Fort Dodge Animal Health, the makers of this
> vaccine:
> http://www.germinder.com/wyeth.asp
> I did, however, call both the poster of this email:
> Bonnie Morrison - 513-604-5509
> Ohio State Coordinator
> Emergency Animal Rescue Service
> United Animal Nations, and Co-Founder Tri State County Animal Response
> And I also called the office of the vet who supposedly wrote this
> for this specific paper:
> Dr. Dan Meakin
> All Creatures Animal Hospital
> 1894 Ohio Pike
> Amelia OH 45102
> 513-797-PETS
> Bonnie confirmed that she did post the article to the internet
> and quoted her source as "The SUN newspaper". She states that it was
> published in her paper there. Any spelling errors might have been due to
> transcription errors, I assume.
> I then called Dr. Meakin's office, and got the emergency answering
> there. While she couldn't give me any details, she did say that they
> been seeing some calici in their office, and they had a "specialist" in
> area come give a presentation at their office recently, which may have
> why Dr. Meakin wrote and submitted that article to this paper (I suspect
> this would have been the Dr. Norsworthy mentioned in the above link).
> did say she can't confirm that he did, but she also stated that he DOES
> contribute to that particular paper upon occasion, and gave the full
name of
> the paper as the Claremont Sun. She told me if I wanted more details, I
> could call tomorrow during office hours, as she doesn't have that
> information available to her.
> It is my conclusion that neither Bonnie nor Dr. Meakin intentionally
> the online feline community, but they, themselves have been mislead by a
> doctor (Dr. working under the guise of good intentions, but under
> of the vaccine company, to influence these vets to routinely vaccinate
> for this NON-CORE vaccine, against a virus which has been limited in
> outbreak range.
> Oddly enough, the Fort Dodge, and Wyeth website DO NOT HAVE any
> about this vaccine posted on their websites! Even though every vet
> that is advertising it on their website states that Fort Dodge has
> information about the vaccine available, it appears that it is NOT
> http://wyeth.com/products/animalhealth
> In fact, the only place I can find it online at all is for sale at
> and being advertised on vet websites, or other sites referring back to
> Norsworthy - NONE with any studies, or technical information about the
> vaccine at all:
> http://www.dvmnewsmagazine.com/dvm/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=408460
> http://www.lambriarvetsupply.com/i_007FTD13-1_Calicivax-50-1-tray.php
> http://www.revivalanimal.com/product.asp?pn=21-320&bhcd2=1177885147
> https://www.webstervet.net/app.aspx?cmd=get_item&id=411588
> That, in itself, is scary. WHY would they NOT have it's information
> accessible? What are they hiding?

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