This totally makes sense because the 6 month old kitty
I have who is fighting a URI was also given Revolution
after he was neutered last Friday.  He has since lost
some hair and has redness on the sides of him.  I plan
to call MY vet today to ask about them because I want
to make sure they won't get any worse...why do vets
use it on young weak kitties if they know it isn't
good?  It wasn't my vet who gave was the vet
who preformed the neuter on a sick kitty...not sure
why any of the stuff was done to him that was because
not only is he underweight but he also has a URI that
is now worse because he was put under for the
neuter...doesn't make sense to me...thank heavens it
isn't my vet!!!


> Revolution almost killed a member's cat here a few
> years back, it's totally
> NOT recommended for underweight, weak, sick, or
> debilitated cats or kittens.
> We were even successful at having the
> internationally distributed label
> changed to reflect that fact, as only their US label
> said that warning (it's
> called a different brand overseas - but it's the
> same product). Just wanted
> to mention it, since you said they treated momma cat
> with it at the shelter.
> I would never use it on a pregnant cat, even if the
> label says it's OK.
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources
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> helps save animals!

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