I'm sending you much white light for nice animal friendly neighbors! It makes 
things so much better all the way around.

Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 10:43:28 -0800From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: OT: Neighbor 
threatens ferals -- good newsTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
I'm thrilled to hear he has had a change of heart.  I wonder what turned things 
around, but really, I don't care.  Good vibes that he stays in his present 
state of mind toward the cats and you.  Maybe his wife does have some influence 
on him.  The house next door to me has a "for rent" sign in the window.  I'm 
past the point of wishing for like-minded people to move in when the houses 
turn over, I just hope they aren't hostile and that if they do have pets they 
care for them.  Maybe you guys could send some good energy my way?NRosenfeldt, 
Diane wrote: 

Great news, Anita.  I hope this turns into a total non-situation from now on.
Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stray Cat 
AllianceSent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 8:58 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: OT: 
Neighbor threatens ferals -- good newsHi everyone, just wanted to give you an 
update on the neighbor situation. I was out back last night and saw my neighbor 
and told him I'd take care of any pooh issues and to let me know if he has any 
other issues....he said no no, that is okay. I have calmed down and am not mad 
at anyone. They are just animals. My wife saw the cat out back yesterday and it 
went out of the yard....I said they are unowned kitties and are afraid of 
people and I don't let my cats outside. He said I know I know. His wife popped 
her head out of the window and said not to worry -- they are animals and that 
happens everywhere. I said I just want to make sure they are happy, and she 
said we are happy we are happy. Which is all wonderful! I am still going to 
keep checking tho and cleaning any poop up -- some animal is still pooping down 
there.  Thank you everyone for your wonderful advice! Anita"Every year shelters 
kill almost 5,000,000 cats, dogs, puppies & kittens.  Most were beautiful, 
loving creatures (even feral cats!) that died simply because they did not have 
a home.  Every puppy or kitten born costs a shelter animal its life. Save 
lives, spay-neuter, support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) & adopt for life!"

Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 23:24:42 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: OT: Neighbor 
threatens feralsTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
What a jerk!  A little poop never hurt, and besides, who knows if it's the cats 
or not?  I would definitely keep an eye out on this guy and I would report his 
"threat" to the ASPCA in case anything happens to the kitties.  I'll be praying 
for them.
Ginawendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anita,I'm so sorry. That stinks that your new neighbor isbeing a jerk. Saying 
you're going to kill an animalis very serious and cruel. Is it an option for 
you tospeak with the wife when he is not home? Maybe shedoesn't know that he 
did this. Also, could you talkto the ferals the next time you feed them and 
explainthe situation and tell them that this guys isdangerous. Maybe that would 
help. If this situationgets more serious, there are options, like calling 
ashelter to have the ferals trapped and moved tosomeplace safe, or calling the 
aspca on this guy. Prayers going out that his heart would soften and thatthe 
kitties stay out of his path. :)Wendy--- Stray Cat Alliancewrote:> Do you 
believe this story....every day, I feed my> front yard and back yard cats (I 
love in a townhome> attached on both sides)..and have done so since we> moved 
into the City in 1998. Last May my elderly> neighbor moved out (she was pet 
friendly and had> volunteered at the Humane Society) and new neighbors> moved 
in (no pets). > > Over the weekend, I was cleaning out my backyard> house of 
straw from winter and the husband neighbor> came over and said a cat was 
pooping in the landing> of his basement steps. I said I feed only stray cats> 
and you can't control where they go as you can't> control the birds pooping 
where they want. He said> you don't walk in bird poop. But in any case, I said> 
to let me think about the situation as it never> happened before. So I went in 
and got a plastic bag> and cleaned up the poop as I didn't want any> problems. 
Funny that noone ever pooped in our> landing but ours smells a lot better - not 
that> musty yuck smell.> > Then that night, in the middle of the night, I> 
realized the one thing that changed was my husband> put stone along the only 
grassy section in the> backyard. In the morning, I asked my husband to move> 
the stones as I figured that would probably make it> stop if it was indeed a 
cat/s.> > Then, the door bell rings and my neighbor wants to> speak to my 
husband. Of course, it was about the> cats. My husband said it might not be a 
cat/s, there> are skunks and possums. And just to put some wood> out to block 
the cat/s or animal/s from going down> the steps to the landing.> > Then the 
neighbor says if it doesn't stop he's going> to kill them! Then my husband said 
he couldn't do> that or he'd go to jail -- and my husband said then> he didn't 
have time to argue about it and came in.> > Now, I am worried about the 
kitties! I would love to> take still somewhat feral Mom cat (tho she lets me> 
pet her) from the front inside but I have way too> many cats and doubt she'd 
appreciate it. If we ever> move, she is definitely coming. > > I am crossing my 
fingers and hoping this blows over.> > > Thanks for listening, I know I am 
rather long> winded!> > Anita> "Every year shelters kill almost 5,000,000 
cats,> dogs, puppies & kittens. Most were beautiful,> loving creatures (even 
feral cats!) that died simply> because they did not have a home. Every puppy 
or> kitten born costs a shelter animal its life. Save> lives, spay-neuter, 
support Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)> & adopt for 
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