
I am not judging at all. I am only offering my advice (unsolicited, admittedly, but then all of our advice unsolicited basically, is really just "offered") based on experience & on what Cassandra has said about Kisa's condition & difficulty breathing, which we all know is an extremely serious condition. I believe she is near the end & that the loving thing to do at this point is to release her from what she is going through. I think it IS urgent that that be done in order to spare her additional suffering.

I am not an animal communicator (altho there have been those "instances"....) so I can't say that I know what Kisa wants, but I feel strongly for her & believe as strongly that if she could say so, she would ask to be let go.

Finally, may I respectfully point out too that your recounting of Cricket's death is all the more reason to spare Kisa the same.


wendy wrote:

I respect your opinion regarding Kisa, and don't
necessarily disagree with it.  But be aware and
respectful that not everyone believes the same way. If I could have done things differently, knowing how
my last kitty died, I would have pts.  But on the
other hand, my grandmother died on her own at home;
she chose that instead of being doped up at a
hospital.  A person's (or cat's) choices that must be
made, are theirs alone, whether others believe they
reflect love or ignorance or whatever.  If Cassandra
chooses to pts or not, it's her and Kisa's decision. Please don't judge her for the route she takes. She
certainly wouldn't harm Kisa intentionally.  She loves
her.  With everything else she is dealing with, gentle
guidance is what she needs from us.  Urgent pleas will
only add to the confusion and stress she and Kisa are
already under.


--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think you must realize that not being able to
breathe properly is very frightening & very grave. It is very very hard on her to not be able to breathe! Please take her to the vet or the ER & let her go. She is so ill & has deteriorated so far that trying to treat her any further is only extending her suffering. Do not wait for her to "slip away on her own" as it is dooming her to only more suffering. If the vet won't come to you, then please take her in now.


C & J wrote:
I've been searching the web for info on
respiratory distress, but
can't seem to find what i'm looking for.
Kisa's breathing is very rapid and deep, and she
has her mouth
slightly open most of the time.  I can't decide if
I should take her
in to be put to sleep.
I am just wondering if anyone has experience with
this, and how long
will an animal last in this sort of condition?  I
am sure she isn't
feeling very well at all, but I don't know if she
is in pain, or just
some discomfort.  If this is going to go on for
days, I should
probably put her to sleep. How will an animal die if the respiratory distress
keeps getting
worse?  Will it be a painful ending, or just a
cessation of breathing
Thanks for any input. Cassandra

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