New York is just like that! Just a joke~~I once lived there and I do miss it!

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jun 3, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Pam Norman wrote:

The PVC coated wire mesh works fine in Wisconsin & fine in Utah. I don't see why it wouldn't work in NY! It's very strong, 4x4 coated wire.


dede hicken wrote:
Yeah, the mesh was great in Fl.  I even brought some
with me. Guess what? It doesn't work in NY...sigh. We were told by a large cat sanctuary (Peace Plantation) to use 1x2 galvanized welded rabbit wire. He showed us what 2 winters did to the mesh. They had
spent $6,500 on it and it bombed.  The stupid
manufacturer said "It's not for commercial use"  Well
duh, if it works, it works.  Zip ties don't work here

It's very hard to describe what we've done now by
writing.  I can tell you that in Fl. we got a 10x10
enclosure from Ace Hardware and covered it using mesh
and zip ties.  Some folks use fish line.  You have to
adapt the door so they can't get through. a chain link
fence guy can do that for you.

We will be using Kittywalk to connect the 2 enclosures
we will have here.

--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have what I call a "catiary" cause it looks like
an aviary. It was built at the same time as my deck so it could be
incorporated into the plan. It's between a wing of the deck & the house &
goes from ground level to roof level of single story house.  The
floor is concrete for cleaning - a lockable screen door goes to the yard &
the "walls" are 4" PVC coated mesh that is exactly what BestFriends
uses in their outdoor rooms. It's VERY strong & does not cut down on light
as does most of the regular, weaker, tearable mesh screen.

Inside there are shelves at staggered heights for
sunning & romping.  I scrounded a tall thick tree branch & a really
crookedy one that are propped in one corner for climbing & scratching. The roof is that coorrugated plastic. I keep one or two litter boxes
out there.

The cats have access to the catiary from a cat door
from the screened porch & access to the screened porch from a cat door
into the kitchen. Works great. In cold weather they can go out there
without letting the cold into the house.

I looked at enclosures on the web & found that
utterly boring. I think the best ones are the ones that the people design
themselves. Y ou .should be able to get a handyman to build it. The
man who built mine along with the deck got a huge kick out of it. Said
he'd never had a "cat room" on his resume before!


Jane Lyons wrote:

I'm sorry to be constantly asking questions,
but hopefully we can get the newness of this


and all the issues it raises on the right path ...
Can anyone recommend an outdoor enclosure for cats
that works well. Again, I Googled the category and


are hundreds of choices. I was hoping someone

might have

experience with a design or quality that works.
I suspect that MeMe was at one time in her young

life on

her own because she can climb trees better than

squirrels and

seems to know her way around the terrain. I need

an enclosure that

will allow her some measure of freedom and


I appreciate any information or leads someone

might have.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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