Thanks Marylyn.  I am only just learning about the holist options.  What are the benefits/difference in treatment options?


From: "Marylyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: just beginning
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 13:48:45 -0500

You  have two wonderful holist doctors/vets in your area.  I know personally and have been to both.  Betty Boswell (listed as E. A. Boswell) and Susan Meirs (Simpsonville.)  The vets at Middletown Animal Clinic (Drs. Koehler and Bishop) will shoot very straight with you too.  I have dealt  with them for 25 years or more and bring my pets from 120 miles away (one way) to be seen by them.  The key question with MAC and the holistic vets (both are licensed vets) is "what would you do if this was you?" 
Please give these vets an opportunity to help you.  Susan is a lot easier to get into see than Betty (usually same or next day).
Good luck and all the blessings of the angels. 
                                                 If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
                                                 will deal likewise with their fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 1:30 PM
Subject: just beginning

I just joined this list.  My 6 year old cat, Monkee, he was a stray that I took in 4 years ago, knowing he had FeLv- and now he's not doing good.  I discovered a swollen lymph node in April and he was diagnosed with Lymphosarcoma.  So we started chemotherapy.  Everything is complicated by the fact that I lost my job in January and got a new one in May, but the expense of caring for him is becoming increasingly difficult.  Wth paying up front for his treatment, I just can't get back on my feet financially and I don't know how much longer we can keep this up.  I thought he was doing really well, but the initial chemo didn't shrink the node enough, so his Doctor wanted it surgically removed.  So we did that.  He did wonderful in the two weeks of recovery, but last weekend he became lethargic and I knew something was wrong.  He went back the doctor and now she says his "feline leukemia is acting up" because his red blood cells are down significantly.  In all the time I have had him, he never showed any signs of having FeLv, so this all new to me.  He's on a new medication to try to boost his RB cell count before we maybe try a new, stronger chemo.  I guess I just wanted to know if anyone has gone through a similar experience?  I want to know about life expectancy and I can't seem to get straight answers from my vet.  I also want to know about how long this could go on with him languishing in this sick state?  He's just so much not like himself and my heart is breaking.  Is there any hope for us?
Caroline in Louisville, Kentucky

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