
I will pass that onto Patty Mora, my business partner.

She made it.

She is also one very good pet photographer.

She really, really has a knack and a very gentle, calming effect on 
animals..........  :)

You should see the photos she did of my Lola & my Ursula.......  


Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Taylor Scobie Humphrey 
  Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 2:04 AM
  Subject: Re: just beginning

  I love your Pet Girls logo.  Adorable, you girls, you!

  "Consciousness is Causal 
   and Physicality is its

  On Jun 24, 2007, at 9:12 PM, Susan Dubose wrote:

    I have to agree w/ your comments about chemo.

    I think that it is a decision left within the family, and there should be 
no judgement as to what is decided.

    No one knows your cat better than yourself, and if you listen to what they 
are saying to you, you will know the right thing to do in your heart.

    Every morning I put Lysine in my 4 felv+ cats moist food, and I sprinkle 
Brewer's Yeast on top of their dry food.

    As far as dry food they only get Wellness "Core" mixed half & half w/ 
Innova "Evo", and for now, this combination seems to be working for them.

    Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                      "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                       Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                       Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                       Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                                 Trajan Tennent

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Marylyn
      Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 8:13 PM
      Subject: Re: just beginning

      A comment on chemo:  The Royal Princess Kitty Katt (not FeLV+) had a 
cancer that spread and was vicious.  The specialists were very insistent on 
chemo.  I went to my vets and we had a very long hard talk (actually several of 
them since they are very good at holding my hand when things turn ugly).  There 
are several types of chemo.  The one Kitty would have to have was rough to put 
it mildly.  I think she was to be on it for 6 months.  Without it she was to 
live about 2 months and with it maybe 6-8 months (according to the 
specialists).  My vets and I agreed that there was no quality of life to gain 
and, as much as Kitty hated vets, traveling etc, a lot to lose.  We opted not 
to even try the chemo.  Kitty lived 14 months and had a high quality of life.  
Her lungs filled with the masses but she never seemed to be in any pain---some 
discomfort but not nearly what she would be in had I forced her to travel.  So 
much of this is a judgment call.  Sit with your little friend after you have 
gathered all the information you can and feel what the cat wants----I got in 
trouble for suggesting this not long ago but I truly believe you will know what 
is best if you calm yourself and talk to your friend the way you would talk to 
a baby or an elderly person who cannot communicate with with 
your heart.  Among the things Dr. Kohler and I talked about were: 
      What would we do if we had the cancer?  Would we endure chemo or enjoy 
the time we had?  What other options are available (a gentler chemo etc)? What 
is the cat's personality?  What would work for Dixie might not work for Kitty 
etc?  Did I have the ability to take "doing nothing" as a positive step or did 
I need to try anything and everything?  (There are times that choosing to do 
nothing is choosing to do something.)  We also talked at length about the need 
to make a decision and not look back and second guess ourselves if we chose to 
do nothing. 

      Maybe examining these questions with both your heart and mind will help.  
I am blessed to have vets that can be so open with me.  In other cases we have 
taken other routes.  It has always depended on the little one in question.

      Again blessings to you.  You may want to check out the Bach Essences 
(Rainbow Blossom, Wild Oats, Whole Foods).  There are some that will help you 
and your little friend.  

      No matter what you chose try very hard to enjoy the time you have with 
Monkee.  No one knows when she is going to leave this world and we spend much 
too much time grieving before it is time to grieve-----------and lose the 
precious moments together.    

                                                       If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                       from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who 
                                                       will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Susan Dubose
        Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 3:56 PM
        Subject: Re: just beginning

        Hi Caroline,

        I am sorry about Monkee.

        Thanks for taking him into your home, especially since he was a stray 
and is felv+.

        I am sure he has had a good life w/ you, espeically since 4 yrs. is 
really a long time to survive being felv+.

        I have taken several animals through chemo (I am a petsitter, I do this 
for my clients as a favor since it's hard on them or if they are out of town) 
and I have to say, I don't think I would take my cat through chemo.

        It's just very hard on them medically, espeically if they are felv+.

        I am by no means a vet, but I have worked for one of the best feline 
specialist in central Texas, and he is years ahead of most vets when it comes 
to felv+ cats.

        He has 8 pos. cats @ his sanctuary.

        If Monkee were my cat, I would value the time I have left w/ him and 
not have anymore chemo nor would I subject him to surgery.

        That is just my opinion.

        I know it hurts, very much, but you are giving him a great gift by 
caring for him and being there for him.

        I have 4 felv+ cats myself, and so far they are doing pretty well, 

          ----- Original Message -----
          From: Caroline Kaufmann
          Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2007 1:30 PM
          Subject: just beginning

          I just joined this list.  My 6 year old cat, Monkee, he was a stray 
that I took in 4 years ago, knowing he had FeLv- and now he's not doing good.  
I discovered a swollen lymph node in April and he was diagnosed with 
Lymphosarcoma.  So we started chemotherapy.  Everything is complicated by the 
fact that I lost my job in January and got a new one in May, but the expense of 
caring for him is becoming increasingly difficult.  Wth paying up front for his 
treatment, I just can't get back on my feet financially and I don't know how 
much longer we can keep this up.  I thought he was doing really well, but the 
initial chemo didn't shrink the node enough, so his Doctor wanted it surgically 
removed.  So we did that.  He did wonderful in the two weeks of recovery, but 
last weekend he became lethargic and I knew something was wrong.  He went back 
the doctor and now she says his "feline leukemia is acting up" because his red 
blood cells are down significantly.  In all the time I have had him, he never 
showed any signs of having FeLv, so this all new to me.  He's on a new 
medication to try to boost his RB cell count before we maybe try a new, 
stronger chemo.  I guess I just wanted to know if anyone has gone through a 
similar experience?  I want to know about life expectancy and I can't seem to 
get straight answers from my vet.  I also want to know about how long this 
could go on with him languishing in this sick state?  He's just so much not 
like himself and my heart is breaking.  Is there any hope for us?
          Caroline in Louisville, Kentucky

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