What on earth is going on? Sometimes people chit chat to relieve anxiety. For instance, my kitty is FeLV+ AND haas mediastinal lymphoma. Plus I have the requisite pile of other things going on in my life, just like everyone does, not all of which are just hunky- dory, believe me.

So if I've been chit chatting, it's to relieve anxiety linked to having a little one who was just one year old YESTERDAY who has been ill for three months out of his tiny life already with these two feline scourges.

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On Jul 1, 2007, at 4:17 PM, laurieskatz wrote:

Please don't leave....
----- Original Message -----
From: elizabeth trent
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: OT list

well, if this is the rule by James or whomever...maybe I need to leave the list. i'm not going to another list.

elizabeth, phelix, tori, tiffany, antonio, lexie, othello, shakiti

On 7/1/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
from the introduction to the OT group, which was started years ago so that james didn't have to keep telling us that we'd strayed off topic, and to return to specific things relating to FELV.

most special-interest lists do not allow chit-chat or off-topic posts, because there are enough other places for that. many lists will ban people who consistently go off-topic, and good lists have died out because the topic has gotten lost in social interaction that belongs elsewhere. this isn't MY opinion or rule, it's pretty much the norm.

Welcome, fellow FELVTALK member!

This is the email list for talking about OFF TOPIC things.

Please continue to discuss Feline Leukemia on the other list, we are not "moving" the list, this is for OFF TOPIC chit chat that tends to happen on the other list, and clutters it up, making it harder for people to find the real info about FELV over there. Hopefully everyone will bring Off Topic stuff to this list!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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