I know I haven't been on here much in awhile so I don't really know what is 
going on at this point..But if it weren't for the people on this list Bandy and 
I would'nt have made it as far as we did.  I agree that this list should be for 
the purpose of us sharing our knowledge about what we have each been through 
with our Felv, fip, and fiv kitties...Each and everyone of us get a different 
response with our kitties but with all the knowledge on this list, it gives us 
much more hope and many more things to try for our kitties.. I have been on 
many other lists while Bandy was with me, but I learned more right here than 
anywhere else...the people on this list are more caring and pull together when 
needed..It, to me, has been like one big family so I really hope it will stay 
that way..I try to read when I can.  I hope all the group will stay as I have 
known it since 2005.  I will always be available to help when I can..
  Kerry, Angel Bandy, Angel Buster, Angel Lil Rascal, Angel Alberta, Angel 
Albert, Angel Striper, Angel Snoopy, and Inky and all the young ones..too many 
to list.

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