That's probably it...I have a hair trigger right now...might be looking at
surgery very soon and a lot of chaos and mayhem at work.  Don't mean to

Thank you, Susan, for helping to keep me sane.  I tell you -- it's not an
easy responsibility right now! :0)

The good news is that I have a house full of wonderful kitty babies who love
me -- who could ask for anything more?

love and kitty head butts.

On 7/11/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 A lot of the time it is automatically sent to "approval" if it is "too

I found this out and started 'trimming" my posts to just the last person
prior to me.

make sense?

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^< <> <>
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

----- Original Message -----
*From:* elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 11, 2007 8:50 PM
*Subject:* Re: Appetite issues and Monkee update

well -- apparently my response to this thread is awaiting moderator
approval.  all i did was talk about the treatment i used for mama kitty when
she was so sick and had appetite troubles..  call me disillusioned --- but i
have a really short fuse right now.  if i get booted from this list -- any
one of you are free to email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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