Well, it is naptime now @ Chez Mew,and things are quiet in the felv+suite.

Percy just polished off the last of the moist food, he seems to be the "clean 
up" kitty.

Remember, in the morning they all get their own bowl full of moist food 
goodness,and normally if it is not all eaten by 1pm I toss it out.  (I put it 
out about 6am)

I am usually home by then from completeing any morning nanny rounds & I have 2 
clients that I clean their catteries for them daily.

Anyway, Princess Naughty Lola has accepted Percy, as well as Ursula.

Ursula is back on top of the couch on her favorite pillow instead of hiding 
behind it.

I guess she thought she  was kinda  "holding her breath and maybe he would go 
away", but you know cats, they are never wanting to be "put out" for long.

Lillian is still sniffing Percy but he is not allowed to sniff her, and he 
doesn't try because he doesn't want his noggin bopped anymore............  :(

Plus Percy keeps lounging in her favorite baby blue furry donut bed, so, he is 
on her "short list" until further notice.

Papillon is chillin' on a rug in the bathroom.

He has called a recess on Percy hating, but he concerns me today.

He is not as vocal as usual, but his lymph nodes are not swollen (they come and 
they go........).

He is quite the little singer when he feels up to it.

However, when I go to pet him,and feel his fine soft furrage, he still grabs my 
hand and bites it while bunny kicking it.

So, I guess he is ok.........

Ahhhhhhhh, a kitty only a krazy kat mommy could love...............  :)

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

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