Transfusions can vary a great deal, I've heard of people paying anywhere from $150.00 to $500.00. I think for Bailey it was around $200.00, the epogen for us was $300.00 but that was a higher dose and quantity than most vets prescribe which would have lasted us about 6 months if Bailey would have been on it that long. I think you can order smaller doses at Walmart (5 or 6 shot supply) for around $30.00. The standard protocol is three times a week until their HCT goes to normal then it is dropped to once a week. Has she had doxy at all? Been tested for hemo? Even with a negative test I would give the doxy. Bailey was tested 3 times negative each time but I insisted he get doxy for 4 weeks to be on the safe side since hemo is so hard to detect, my vet didn't have a problem with that.

It must be kept refrigerated and keep an eye on the blood pressure, epogen can raise the blood pressure as a side effect. Bailey's was actually low but that is very uncommomn and had to do with pain from his undiagnosed pancreatitis.

I would wait be scared to wait with an HCT that low, that is just my personal opinion based on my experience though.


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