Well said Caroline...

How are your kittens doing today?  I am having the same issue with the feral I 
rescued, who is living in our library.  She keeps having smelly diarrhea and 
I've dewormed her twice, but need to take her in to get another fecal done.  
Let me know how your vet visit goes and/or what works for the kittens.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 4:00:51 PM
Subject: OT: turning the other cheek

That's very well said Megan.  It pretty much covers everything I thought about 
saying on this subject for a long time, but just never took the time because I 
had more pressing matters, like kitten care.  I was here when you joined Megan 
and I read your Olive posts thinking that you sounded just like me back when I 
first joined in May/June due to Monkee's lymphosarcoma diagnosis.  I think 
Melissa Lind and I thought were we the youngest (I think Melissa is 28, but 
don't quote me) and I am 30, until you came along!  Now, all three of us no 
longer have FelV cats but we continue to come to this site to continue to learn 
more, help others with the knowledge we obtained through our brief battles with 
Felv, and get general advice for our non-Felv cats (because I have some now 
that Monkee is gone!). 
There were arguments and tiffs on this site before you joined Megan and most of 
the time, I just felt that I didn't care because I felt I had no time for that 
kind of stuff.  I was desperately trying to save Monkee through shear force of 
will and I didn't have the psychic energy to get into, or really be affected by 
the arguments.  Sometimes I read them, sometimes not.  And then I got so 
immediately busy with fostering non-Felv cats that again I thought, I don't 
have the time for this! 
I just don't think people should take things so personally or react so 
dramatically.  It's wasted energy that could be put to better uses.  It really 
upsets me to think that people would leave because of these arguments...there 
is too much good to be done on this site.  There could be someone out there 
right now who just got an Felv diagnosis and is freaking out about it.  
Furthermore, it could be an individual with a vet who gives the "option" of 
putting the cat to sleep.  And picture this person really not knowing much of 
anything about Felv, other than what the vet told them- just the general, "oh 
it's highly contagious- kind of like getting an HIV Dx in a person, they don't 
live as long, they're more susceptible to cancers,...facing extremely high vet 
bills," (these are the exact things I was told when Monkee tested positive over 
4 years ago...and that was it).  Say this person thinks, "I need to research 
this so I can decide what to do" so they
 google "Feline Leukemia" and eventually come across this site (like I did) and 
think "wow, a list serve...oh my god, this is so helpful!"  After they have 
read so many "educational" type articles online and scientific-based veterinary 
articles that are hard to understand, they see this as a possible god-send.  So 
they quickly join without even thinking about it (like I did) and immediately 
start checking out the most recent posts... and this is what they find?  
Bickering and personal attacks and counter-attacks and mud-slinging???  And 
worse yet, news that people having decades of experience with FelV cats have 
"left the list" and are somewhere out there in cyberspace where their knowledge 
and information can not easily be tapped into?  That's very distressing to 
think about.  We need to all just learn to "turn the other cheek" for the 
greater good right now and forget about past insults, etc. that have occurred 
between members who have been here a long
 time and remember that we aren't just here for ourselves...we are here for The 
Newbies too....and we need to stop scaring new people away.  

> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:01:45 -0400
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: RE: offlist
> Most people have left? That's pathetic. Everyone has their opinions, they can 
> be rude, they can get upset, blah blah blah. But aren't we all adults here? 
> Hell, I'm probably the youngest person here, at twenty, and I'm finding this 
> all rather ridiculous.
> Everyone here was really supportive when I was dealing with Olive's sickness, 
> but it kind of upsets me that even more people could have helped, that there 
> were people who used to be on here who might have had even better suggestions 
> than the great ones that I received. Yeah, there probably wasn't much more I 
> could've done for Olive, regardless of what people could tell me. But the 
> thing is, it's SCARY that people have left over stupid bickering, when we 
> those people to help us with our sick babies. The more people there are, the 
> more experience there is, and therefore more information is available. This 
> list has made a difference for many people, but it could make a difference 
> for 
> so many more. Honestly, the fact that people have left simply because they 
> couldn't get along with a couple of other people disgusts me. I guess if 
> someone REALLY needs to leave, that's one thing. But over some petty 
> bickering? Come on.
> I'm sure someone will find something to bitch at me for, but you know what? I 
> don't care. I'm mature enough to just ignore it. And it's funny, because I 
> don't even have a FeLV+ kitty anymore, yet I'm still on here. Really, the 
> arguing doesn't bother me too much, aside from filling up my inbox. What 
> bothers me is that people are leaving because of it. THIS IS FOR OUR CATS. 
> THIS IS TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. I'm just thankful that this list exists, and it 
> would sadden me to see it dwindle away.
> -Megan
> >===== Original Message From Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> >Nobody leave? Most people have already left.
> >
> >It is really sad.
> >
> >On 9/26/07, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Nobody leave! This getting stupid! Glenda, don't leave...
> >> -Caroline
> >>
> >> > Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:50:53 -0700
> >> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > Subject: Fwd: Re: offlist
> >> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --- glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:48:39 -0700 (PDT)
> >> > > From: glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > > Subject: Re: offlist
> >> > > To: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > >
> >> > > Well, Tonya,
> >> > > I guess I have been put in my place? ( I have been
> >> > > judged by the best.) I humbly apologize to all here
> >> > > and elsewhere, whom I have upset with my opinions,
> >> > > and
> >> > > infuriated with my stupidity. Having been so
> >> > > enlightened by your revelations here, think it
> >> > > best,
> >> > > I exit this list. I certainly, being of "grade 1"
> >> > > like
> >> > > Susan, could not possible contribute anything to
> >> > > this
> >> > > list anyway. Between you and I Tonya, that is the
> >> > > best compliment I have had for a long time,
> >> > > classified
> >> > > in Susan's league...whew!
> >> > > Eventually, this list will be of one opinion and
> >> > > all
> >> > > will be able to get along ,because more than likely,
> >> > > there will only be one or two left to share
> >> > > information, give support, and so on.
> >> > > Peace, love and joy to all,
> >> > > Glenda in Nebraska
> >> > > --- catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > > Susan is in grade 1 with you. You are both new to
> >> > > > the list and posting your ideas as gospel when
> >> > > > others of us have been dealing with felv for
> >> > > YEARS.
> >> > > > It is very disruptive to the list. And I hate to
> >> > > > say this because I see how what happened with your
> >> > > > trapped cat being killed happened. But a lot of
> >> > > > people left the list because of you taking that
> >> > > cat
> >> > > > to animal control where it was put down. People
> >> > > who
> >> > > > have been doing this for YEARS know you do NOT
> >> > > take
> >> > > > cats to animal shelters unless you WANT them put
> >> > > > down. I defended you as a newbie to people who
> >> > > have
> >> > > > left the list, but many of them are still upset
> >> > > > about what happened. They are upset that you
> >> > > didn't
> >> > > > know better. When you sound off so harshly to
> >> > > > Sherry and others acting as an 'expert' it doesn't
> >> > > > help.
> >> > > > tonya
> >> > > > t
> >> > > >
> >> > > > glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > > > So many of the people here put their heart and
> >> > > > soul
> >> > > > and every spare minute possible into helping and
> >> > > > learning about cats/animals.
> >> > > > There are certain basic rules of common sense that
> >> > > > even I have learned in the last few months when it
> >> > > > comes to dealing with these two diseases: FeLV and
> >> > > > FIV.
> >> > > > There are people here that have taught me a lot
> >> > > and
> >> > > > who I depend on to answer questions that I might
> >> > > > have
> >> > > > or that might come up. There are people here with
> >> > > > wonderful hearts that are just here learning the
> >> > > > basics. I sincerely care for them all. We should
> >> > > > NEVER
> >> > > > attack each other. WE ARE ALL ONE.
> >> > > > If I were to tell you what grade I am in, as in,
> >> > > > elementary school, as compared to Susan, for
> >> > > > example,
> >> > > > I'd say I'm a mere first grader and I'd imagine
> >> > > > Susan
> >> > > > might be in high school... light years ahead of
> >> > > me,
> >> > > > but here, we shall call it high school compared to
> >> > > > first grade... high school for knowledge in the
> >> > > > diseases we are dealing with and high school for
> >> > > > experience dealing with animal rescues and
> >> > > shelters
> >> > > > and the different ways of how they do what they
> >> > > do.
> >> > > > I
> >> > > > completely respect Susan's take on things and I
> >> > > > trust
> >> > > > her experience, admire her spirit...she says it
> >> > > like
> >> > > > it is. I flower things up , but it is all the
> >> > > > same...no matter how it is said.
> >> > > > It is important to remember, IT IS ALL FOR THE
> >> > > > If we could sit, as like on a Board of Directors
> >> > > > meeting, we could discuss what would be best for
> >> > > the
> >> > > > animals and maybe compromise somehow and attempt
> >> > > to
> >> > > > see each other's points.
> >> > > > I have tried to keep myself in check, but it has
> >> > > > been
> >> > > > difficult when I am seeing everything I have so
> >> > > far
> >> > > > learned here, being turned upside down by this
> >> > > > rescue/shelter or that? I have so far dealt with a
> >> > > > shelter that sent me a FeLV+ cat and butted heads
> >> > > > with
> >> > > > a shelter in Wisconsin with the everyone must be
> >> > > > declawed thing going on... Right now the shelter
> >> > > of
> >> > > > discussion is where Sherry gives her heart and
> >> > > soul.
> >> > > > I
> >> > > > try so hard to see all sides, but there are times
> >> > > I
> >> > > > just cannot and if you were to ask me, if after I
> >> > > > had
> >> > > > just won $300 million in the lottery, who I would
> >> > > > want to organize and run my, big fancy shelter. IT
> >> > > > That is all folks!
> >> > > > Glenda
> >> > > >
> >> > > >
> >> > > >
> >> > > >
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> 
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