I'm so sorry to hear about your Buddy. Have you tried low dose oral interferon? Dont know, might help though - especially since it might be easy to give (syringe) orally and the contact with the throat tissue might be good (again don't know here, just a thought!

Prayers and good wishes going out for her.


On Jan 1, 2008, at 9:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everybody

Unfortunately I've returned fo rno so good reasons. Xmas day my Buddy (4.5years) cams down sick. She would hardly eat and was hiding most of day. she seemed to want to lick food but was too sore to swallow so she couldn't bear it - and she was gulping like when we have a sore throat. The first day she hadn't hit me round the face and nuzzled up to me in the morning for breakfast and cuddles.

Got her to the vet on Thursday as soon as they reopened after xmas and boxing day. Her temperature was 105 and vet thought it was a throat infection and gave her the antibiotic injection - I'd prefer that if possible to avoid her being stressed about getting tablets in her. By saturaday she was no better and still not eaten and hardly drank much so panic set in. Took her back and saw a different vet who thought it was a calicibirus flare up cos her gums had inflammed - so we syringe fed her 15ml of Hills AD with some metacam for cats. I syringe fed her a bit more at home and repeated this again Sunday. Meanwhile I'd been to the sanctuary where I got her from and said I need help with the vet so their vet saw her yesterday - her temp was still 105 and still not eating. Syringe feeding is stressful for her but she just about tolerates 20ml feed. He gave her synolux antibiotic so now on tablets anyway so am doing that when I feed her. SHe switched into an unhappy poorly girl and now fed up being messed about feeding and going to vets. If no better tomorrow then she'll have bloods done to see if her FIV has progressed. She seems to have lost interest in food completely now and I don't know what else to do. I'm tried so many different foods to stimulate her with smell and although syringe feeding her AD is necessary at the moment it's stressing her more and I don't want to her to get scared of food. She will come of hiding now and stay out for a while but often I have to coax her out - she looks so tiny and lethargic - desperately nedd her temperture to come back down.

She's is only 4 and this was so rapid I didn't it coming - poor girl is depressed. My FeLV girl Minstrel knows too and is obviously concerned about her.

Any suggestions and prayers welcome cos I'm in bits at moment. Fortunately I've been off work this last week but supposed to be back in tomorrow and don't want to go at all.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble xxx

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