You will receive lots of really good advise here.  The best thing I  
can tell you is to find an alternative/holistic vet to help you.  The  
first stop I made after finding out that Dixie was positive was to Dr.  
Betty Boswell in Louisville.  Dixie saw her frequently and I credit  
the alliance between Dr. Boswell and my regular vets, Drs. Koehler and  
Bishop, with giving Dixie a wonderful, healthy life.

Do not treat your little one as a patient but as a wonderful kitten  
who will have a great life.  No one is guaranteed one minute of life.   
Make her life great and your life with her wonderful and forget about  
how long or short it may be.
On Sep 9, 2008, at 2:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Last week, we took in a darling tortie/calico kitten who'd been  
> abandoned at my workplace.  At her first vet check today, we got the  
> results that she's FeLV+.  We have two other cats that are positive.
> I would appreciate any tips on how to get this little girl off to  
> the healthiest start possible.  We're feeding high protein kitten  
> foods already.  Our other cats are doing well at ages 4 and 1 year,  
> but we'd love to learn anything we can to help our newest 'patient'  
> stay healthy and happy.
> Thanks,
> Jody
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