Sally, where do you get Lysine in gel form?  from vet or health fodd store?  i 
don't need it now, but would like to be prepared if and when i do.  dorlis
---- SALLY NORDSTROM <> wrote: 
> My vet gave my Lysine in a gel form.  I put a little bit on their paws and 
> they lick it off.

"Yes we can!" - Barack Obama

--- On Tue, 11/18/08, Brenda Waterson <> wrote:

> From: Brenda Waterson <>
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tweezer sneezing blood
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 1:45 PM
> Hi Sue,
> This is the second half of the information I rec'd from
> Dr. Fiona from Just
> 2. Long term antibiotics. My own cat had this problem when
> I adopted him. I kept him on (clindamycin) for 6 weeks. Here
> is more about this antibiotic: 
> I am not suggesting that the antibiotics your vet has
> chosen are not appropriate… the truth is that unless we do
> a culture (take a sample of the nasal discharge from the
> back of the throat and send it to a lab for analysis) we are
> just guessing what might be growing in there and what
> antibiotic might kill it. A culture and sensitivity test
> gives us answers! 
> More about this test here: 
> 3. Antibiotic nasal drops are quite effective. I use
> gentocin ophthalmic instilled intranasally like a nasal
> spray twice daily. 
> 4. If you want to try something without going back to your
> vet, go to the pharmacy and ask for ophthalmic saline, or
> have a look in the contact lens section. What you want it
> just sterile saline drops to relieve dry eyes - NO
> medication in it. The pharmacist should be able to point it
> out to you. Put one drop in each nostril twice daily. The
> idea is that you are helping to moisten the area so your cat
> can sneeze out any congestion in there. Continue for a week.
> 5. You can also try "steaming" him in the
> bathroom 2 or 3 times a day. Basically, you take him in,
> close the door and turn on a hot shower. The steam will also
> help to loosen any congestion in his nasal sinuses so he can
> sneeze it out. 
> 6. Consider buying a humidifier. This works the same way as
> the steaming in the bathroom.. 
> 7. He may need 2 antibiotics given at the same time for a
> longer period of time. I like zithromax and baytril
> together. 
> 8. He may have a resistant infection of Pseudomonas in
> there. This means it is resistant to most antibiotics. If
> other antibiotics haven't worked, ask your vet about
> carbenicillin as it is a drug that seems to work well in
> some of these cases. Here is more: 
> 9. Another medication to consider is Famciclovir. It is
> expensive! It is an anti-viral medication. Here is more: 
> 10. Herpes virus may be part of the problem. So, it may be
> useful to put your cat on Lysine capsules. Herpes viruses
> need an amino acid called arginine to replicate and survive.
> If you give lysine, it substitutes in for arginine but does
> NOT allow the virus to replicate! Thus, it can stop the
> virus and really help the cat's immune system to win.
> You can pick up Lysine at most health food stores. I usually
> suggest that cats be given 250mg twice daily for 3 weeks.
> The capsules with powder in them are easiest to give, as you
> can simply open it, and mix the powder in with some canned
> food. 
> You can read more about it here:
> I hope this info. has been helpful to you and Tweezer.
> ________________________________
> From: Sue & Frank Koren <>
> To: FeLV Talk <>
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 12:55:30 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Tweezer sneezing blood
> My two year old FeLV+ kitty Tweezer has been sneezing blood
> for a few days.  (At first we didn't know where it was
> coming from, we were just seeing tiny blood droplets on the
> floor.) Last night we saw what was happening.  He sounds a
> little stuffy, but he has sounded that way since we got him.
> My problem is that my usual vet who is good with my
> positive kittys is on vacation until the 24th of November. 
> I personally consider the associates in his practice to be
> less then adequate for a positive kittys specail problems. 
> I am trying to decide if I should wait for my usual vet
> (Possibly start Tweezer on some Doxycycline in the mean
> time), take them to one of the other vets in the practice
> and hope that this problem is something they can handle, or
> maybe take him to an internist I have been to before with
> one of my other cats.  I guess it all depends on why this
> is happening to him.  Has anyone ever had a cat sneeze
> blood droplets?
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