from a cattery dump, we know very little about her except that she tested
positive on both the ELISSA and IFA (both tests done at same time.) she is
asymptomatic of course, and the other five kitties who came into our vet's
with her were negative.

we're trying to get a photo of her, but as she's at our vet's, it's
unlikely--taking photos is NOT her priority!

she's not in any danger, we just would like to get her into a forever home
and not continue to board her. she can come to me for fostering if
necessary, but a place of her own would be best.

she's completely vetted, of course; there's an application required, only
fee is the cost of the carrier to transport her in.

persians: the stuffed cats who cuddle back!


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)
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