Hi Ellie,
My year-old kitty, Sylvia, tested negative and was healthy as a kitten, but
the stress of a move seems to have turned her a strong, symptomatic positive
(my vet says that some cats are latent carriers and suddenly become
positive/symptomatic after a stressful situation). If a move can have that
devastating an effect on an otherwise healthy latent carrier, it could do
serious damage to a cat who already tests positive. We've been able to get
her symptoms under control with antibiotics and a few vet visits, but she
really wasn't feeling well for a while after we moved.

Everyone I have spoken to, including my vet, has emphasized how unhealthy
stress can be for a cat (especially one with FLV) and how important it is
that the health of an FLV+ cat be monitored carefully. Being alone for many
hours a day can be seriously stressful for any animal, cats especially;
additionally, if your sister spends no time with the cat, how will she know
if Brie is acting lethargic or somehow "off"? Cats are stoic animals, so
often the signs of illness are subtle and easy to miss until the problem
becomes serious.

With the right care, FLV+ cats can live long and healthy lives. If, in your
heart, you think you're more capable of caring for Brie than your sister (it
sounds that way from your email), please do the kitty a huge favor and take
her in. Your conscience, your karma and Brie will all thank you (Brie will
likely reward you tenfold with love).
All best to you and yours,

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 02:34:45 -0400
> From: Ellie Foster <elliefost...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [Felvtalk] New Here w/Questions
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Message-ID:
>        <e924fb900910122334q6b306137sdc4de2d89d439...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hello,
> Im new here, my name is Ellie.
> I joined because my "niece" kitty, Brie, is one year old and was diagnosed
> with FeLV about a month ago with a faint positive result (she is supposed
> to
> be retested in 2 months).
> My question is - my sibling is planning a move across quite a few states
> (USA), about 12-14 hours travelling by car, to New York City. Her job will
> keep her very occupied, literally up to 20 hours a day!! (I couldnt do it
> lol).
> No one knew Brie was + until last month because my sister never took her to
> the vets after finding her outside, alone, at about 4 weeks old. So, I
> finally convinced my sis to let me take Brie in to be spayed, vaccinated,
> tested - and, that is when we got the diagnosis.
> Just wondering, vet said that stress on kitty is *bad* - is this type of
> fairly long-distance move something that qualifies as stressful? (will ask
> the vet of course too!)
> Has anyone used lysine supplements in an FeLV kitty?
> Will my sister encounter any problems in trying to rent an apartment with
> an
> FeLV+ cat?
> I ask because I can easily give Brie a home; I have no other kitties
> (anymore - both of my elderly (16 &19) baby boy cats passed on early this
> year, one of CRF, the other of a sudden massive stroke, within 2 months of
> each other). And if I can help Brie live a longer, happy life, I would be
> incredibly glad to do so.
> Brie knows my house, my family, has stayed with us up to 3 weeks in the
> past
> when my sister has been out of town on business.
> And I love the little baby Brie anyway! Just want her to live the best life
> possible, and am debating offering - again - to let kitty live with me.
> Thank you so much for your help & info!
> Ellie
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