A few days ago I posted about the reversal of FIP that I saw
in my kitten Angelica on high dose intravenous ascorbic acid
and have been following these subsequent posts with some bit
of sadness.  I believe Jenny makes the most valid arguments
and in an effort to provide more details about what happened
and help you see the timeline, I submit the following
histories.  Note:  This will be in two parts because of
length limits.  




1.  My FeLV cat Lukey died on October 1 from what we now
believe was FIP.  He had been healthy and given the best
supplements, diet and care possible.  When his furnished
garage home was flooded in August 2009 we had to relocate
the three FeLV cats including Lukey to the back porch while
we recovered from the flooding.  The stress of the ordeal
triggered an illness in Lukey, though at the time it was
thought he was just in the end stages of the FeLV disease.
I now believe it was FIP for a number of reasons, not the
least of which is because his chronic high fevers,
inappetence, lethargy and weight loss continued for weeks
and weeks, even when he responded to the LTCI injections and
blood transfusion and his anemia was improving.  At that
time it didn't occur to me that some latent FIP might have
been triggered by the stress of the flooding and relocation.
Despite our efforts, including two separate vitamin C drips
(the only time when Lukey appeared to feel better), Lukey
died after placement of an esophageal feeding tube and even
then it did not occur to me that he could have had FIP.
However, his vet later mentioned that during placement of
the feeding tube while Lukey was under anesthesia his
intestines felt "gummy" and she realized that we had
probably been dealing with FIP all along and missed it.  Had
I only known, in retrospect (based only on what I learned
after the death of Chuckie below), I should have put Lukey
on the ascorbate drips according to the protocol provided by
Wendell Belfield, DVM, pushed him to the highest possible
dosage (2g per pound of body weight), and continued the
drips until his fevers came down and then for 4-5 days after
that.  We just didn't know what we were dealing with.  


During the time we cared for Lukey we were focused on doing
everything possible to save him and his care was very "hands
on."  Though we keep buckets of hand sanitizer in the garage
and use it faithfully before coming back into the house
among our other cats, it is very possible that we carried
FIP into the household on our clothes from the constant
contact and syringe feeding of Lukey.  Again, keep in mind
that we were not focused on the possibility that he had FIP.
In the household were three young kittens who were pulled
from a Kentucky kill shelter at just six weeks of age before
they were scheduled to be PTS.  At the time of Lukey's first
symptoms in late August 2009 of what we now believe was FIP,
the kittens were only 3 1/2 months old.  



Continued in next post . .




Sally Snyder Jewell

Sally Snyder Jewell, Marketing Director

Tower Laboratories Corporation



Practicing Medicine Without
<http://www.hearttech.com/books_and_videos.html>  a License?
The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease, by
Owen Fonorow and Sally Snyder Jewell





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