A TNR group I work with recently trapped a strapping 20 pound loverboy tom cat 
they named Winston. Winston is not fat, just huge. He is extremely sweet, 
almost startlingly so given his size and tough boy appearance. The vet said he 
is 2-4 years old. 

He got neutered yesterday and tested with a SNAP test today, and on the SNAP 
test was positive for both FeLV and FIV. The group cannot currently afford to 
get the more definitive lab test done but hopes to do so at some point. Until 
then, they are assuming he is indeed positive for both. He seems generally in 
good health, though had a runny nose when trapped (antibiotics cleared it up 
right away). 

My own doublepositive, Patches, lived to at least 8-9 years old, so I hope 
Winstonhas many good years ahead of him. But he needs to spend it in a homeand 
not in a cage, where he is now (in a foster home with a number offoster cats, 
who he cannot mingle with). 

This is a small rescue group and will have trouble adopting Winston out given 
his positive status. Is there anybody out there who might be willing to adopt 
this huge loverboy? We are in NW New Jersey, though we would be willing to 
drive him within a few hours. I am working on getting a picture of him and will 
send it, and also will post it on the group's webpage in the adoptable cats 

Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested and able to give 
this boy a good home. We are heartbroken at the test results, not because we 
think they are a death sentence (we know better!) but because it might mean 
Winston has to spend many months in a cage waiting for an adopter, which is sad 
for any cat but can be dangerously stressful for a positive cat.

Thanks for any help you can provide,
Michelle Lerner 

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