Jane -
What a wonderful tribute to an extraordinary cat. And it sounds like she had 
extraordinary owners. All my FeLV cats have brought something special to my 
life & I have never regretted keeping any of them, no matter how much 
heartbreak I have had to go through.
One day your memories of her will only make you smile.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Lyons <j.ly...@mindspring.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 10:11:52 
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Subject: [Felvtalk] MeMe 2006-3-32010

I sent this message yesterday with a photo of MeMe but it did not go  
through the list.
There are two photos of her on my photo webpage. The one on the  
bottom right is the best of the two (if anyone wants to see her face)
Say two of the grieving process is not any better.


Last night the vet came at 10:00 to put MeMe to sleep. I had her for  
three years and two
days and I am grateful for each and everyone of those days. She was  
an extraordinary cat.

She was highly symptomatic with Felv  when we adopted her but we  
managed to
get her to a place of almost normalcy for almost three years and up  
until the last few months
she lived a full and happy life.

She had been in steady decline since mid December and the quality of  
her life had diminished
drastically. She stopped eating three days ago and yesterday morning  
she could not jump
down from the kitchen countertop. It was at that moment that I knew I  
had to make the call.

Four weeks ago she had a complete blood work up which turned out to  
be completely normal.
The vet was astonished when he called me with her report. He said he  
had been afraid to read it
because he didn't want to call me with , what he was sure, would be a  
bad report. I knew, despite
the numbers that she was not well. We had given her a round of  
Clavamox to help her stomatitis
and she developed diarrhea that I could not get rid of despite  
homeopathy and Forti-Flora that
had worked before.
We did an ultra sound of her digestive tract which proved to be  
"inconclusive'' and yet she continued
to get sicker. Yesterday my husband found a mass behind her right ear  
that was enormous. It had not
been there a few weeks ago but I suspect her lymphatic system has  
been under assault since mid December
when I began to see changes in her coat and her energy and then her  
behavior. Through it all, she continued
to seek us out to sit in our laps and to sleep in our bed. She never  
hid or indicated that she wanted to be alone.

This weekend I walked into the front hall to find her lying between  
our two Scotties in a pool of sunlight.
As sick and as vulnerable as she was, she trusted them and us. She  
was a strong and trusting and courageous
animal who could scale 40' trees with more agility than a squirrel.  
She was fearless and when we discovered that
she was positive and could not go out she adapted to her cat jacket  
and spent all her days outside or going for
walks with the dogs. She led the pack with her tail straight up and  
an occasional detour to climb a tree (with her
20' retractable leash).

I could go on forever. She was just too wonderful.

I have one positive thing to report. She had stomatitis (inflamed and  
sore gums) which we treated with antibiotics
and homeopathy and a topical spray. Nothing worked for long. I  
discovered over this past month that the pro-biotic
I was using for her diarrhea helped her mouth enormously. I was  
mixing Forti-Flora in her food twice a day for weeks
and last week I noticed that her mouth was almost normal. For anyone  
dealing with stomatitis you might try a probiotic.

So dear friends I think that all of us who are loving these  
endearing, loving creatures can learn a lot from their nobility and  
MeMe was a gift and a life lesson to me. She has taught me so much  
and while she is not sitting in my lap as I type (and cry) she is  
deeply imbedded in
my heart and will always be.

Bless all of you who are living and learning from these very special  


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