What a wonderful story and a very lucky kitty (both of them).  Sure wish there 
were more folks like y'all in the world.  
I have a Feluk positive kitty with a neurological disorder ( feline cerebellar 
hyposplasia - he wobbles a bit) that we just rescued and I need to find a home 
for him.  Soooooooo, if anyone knows someone in Texas who might want to adopt, 
let me know :)

> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 18:02:07 +0000
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Aggie Introduction Part 2
> Our story continues with Aggie introduction, part 2..
> At this point, I would have chalked the seizure up to the mirtaziprine if it 
> wasn't for the fact that the day before we gave her the drug, Aggie was 
> meowing very loudly and had thrown up a bit of a clear liquid. While my wife 
> didn't see it, she wasn't covered in drool and wasn't disoriented like after 
> the two known seizures. So, we really don't know what happened, but suspect 
> it was a milder seizure type incident, and the mirtaziprine made everything 
> worse. My vet, nor the vet I consulted with at UC Davis, thinks the 
> mirtaziprine was the major cause, though they did admit that it might be what 
> triggered the grand mal, and the later, smaller seizure. So, to be on the 
> safe side, she has been on phenobarbitol for about a month now, with no 
> further seizures (my wife is home with our 3 month old baby, so she would 
> know). The first three weeks on it were rough--sluggish, lots of sleeping, 
> and incoordinated with weakness in her hind legs. (Cat, not the wife, for 
> those of you still reading!) As of now, she is pretty much back to normal, 
> with just a little residual weakness. Nowhere near where it was, though.
> At present, still getting interferon every day, reloaded her with LTCI weekly 
> for three weeks, and now moving back to what had become the sweet spot of 
> every 2 weeks (next shot is this Saturday) and hoping for the best. When we 
> next test her blood in a few weeks, we might see if we can screen for 
> toxoplasmosis and cryptococcus (I know I misspelled this!) but didn’t have 
> the cash to do it the first time around. Another possibility is that she 
> might have been exposed to insecticide, as we had the outside of our home 
> sprayed for wasps a month or so ago. The day of the first "incident" it had 
> rained, and she was sitting for most of the day at the screen door looking 
> out into the yard. She was sitting over the door jam (but still behind the 
> screen, mere inches from an area that had been heavily sprayed, as it was a 
> problem area, and the recent rain could have easily washed some of the toxins 
> through the screen for her to breathe or even lick. 
> Could have gotten to her paws, and she could have licked them--I don't know. 
> Other possibilities are of course, a brain tumor, the FELV crossing the blood 
> brain barrier, lymphoma of the gut that had metastatized (probably misspelled 
> this one too) into her brain but avoided the lungs and hasn’t swelled up her 
> lymph nodes enough that the vet can feel, or the aforementioned poisoning, 
> crypto, and toxoplasmosis. Our other cat, who has lived with us for five 
> years (and is FELV negative but vaccinated) was a cat that settled on the 
> front porch of the house we had just moved into. So, it is possible he 
> brought it in, but her immune system was strong enough to deal with it for 5 
> years.
> At this point, Aggie seems happy, weight is alright, appetite is good, and 
> her zest for life is apparent. She doesn't mind being around the baby at all, 
> and we are trying to make every day a party for as long as we have her. She 
> is the protypical cat, in that she is alternatingly spunky, sweet, and 
> antisocial and loves to chase my wife's hair clips all over the house. She'll 
> ignore almost every other toy, but not those hair bands. 
> Our FELV negative boy--Crookshanks, is the sweetest animal known to humanity. 
> He loves the baby, and (supervised of course) will sit with her and 
> occasionally nuzzle her feet. He will sit on the couch above me as I hold the 
> baby, and groom my head with his tongue. He does the same to my wife, if he 
> isn’t in her lap. He would love to groom the baby too, but that is a bit 
> much! 
> So—that is one long introduction! In all likelihood, we are on the downhill 
> slope of our time together, but who knows—she is a spunky girl and we’ve been 
> lucky to have her for so long. I’ll keep you posted as we go through the rest 
> of our journey together. Even though we never met, all of you have given me 
> so much hope and inspiration. To those of you who have lost cats, my deepest 
> condolences--and know that I will continue to send good thoughts and 
> purrayers, as Alice likes to say, your way. 
> Peace,
> Andy 
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