Seeking advice and best places to shop.

In addition to a small phydically isolated of FELV+ cats, I care for a
large colony of cats.  These are all fixed, all previously tested
negative and mostly adult.  They range from friendly to full feral.
A few were FELV vaccinated a couple years back.

One previously negative diabetic cat has fallen ill and just re-tested
positive, after a host of other tests and treatments over the last two
months.   I don't have the money to test and vax everyone at the vet.
So I am looking for the most cost efficient way to test and vax.

Is it possible to buy snap tests and do them myself, using a blood
drop from the ear?  (similar to getting blood for blood glucose
testing).  Is special equipment required to run the test?  Best source
for bulk test kits?

Where are the cheapest vaccines? I have seen 10 dose FELV only vials
on sale for $69 at California Pet but if anyone knows a better source
for single doses or multi dose vials, I'd appreciate it.

Is there any data/studies to indicate that a single dose conveys
protection for cats over 6 more?  I recall reading on cat
that FVRCP single dose can convey longterm immunity for cats over 4
months.  My understanding is that multiple doses are needed because of
potential maternal derived immunity interference with vaccines, at
least for FVRCP.

Thanks in advance.


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