His roommate Brock is a little less pleased. Brock got a lot of extra attention while Harley was in the hospital, and he isn't so overjoyed to see Harley reclaim the sleeping bag. While Harley groomed himself, Brock was moping in my arms, twitching his tail occasionally. They had sniffed each other earlier, and there was no growling or hissing, but Brock knows he has to share attention again, so seems a little dejected.

Harley sneezes once in a while, and there is a little drainage from one nostril, but his eyes are clear, his energy level is up, and his appetite is back. Just a few more doses of clavamox to give, and we're done. Then I can move on to worrying about right ventricular hypertrophy, which was discovered soon after Harley's admission. Will be getting him a followup cardiac ultrasound in a month or so.


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