That is great news Ardy, on both fronts. I am glad that Tigger is doing better, 
and that interferon was effective for him. I am also happy that your vet has 
had a change of heart on the Winstrol should you need it in the future. I hope, 
like you, that maybe with some effective options, vets will begin to offer 
suggestions other than immediately putting down FeLV cats. And I think that 
change in attitude begins with being willing to work with dedicated cat lovers 
who are willing to go the extra mile to save their babies.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: December-21-15 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 20, Issue 9

My Tigger who is FeLV+ and was sick, has since rounded the corner and is 
better. My vet had him on interferon. After she considered him to be “back to 
normal” she wanted to wait 30 days and retest him for the virus. I had him 
retested two weeks ago, and he is still positive unfortunately but is doing 
wonderfully – eating, drinking, playing, happy etc. He had lost two and a half 
pounds, and has gained it all back except for 2/10’s of a pound. She said he 
could go on like this indefinitely, but is still considered a “carrier”. I of 
course will not have him near other cats except his housemate who is 18 and 
negative. They originally wanted me to put her down too (and she is perfectly 
healthy – just old.) Hello! Could I at least wait until she gets sick??? Duh.

Since Tigger is still positive, I asked the vet about Winstrol if he needs 
something later on, and she is now AGREEABLE to getting it for me at that point 
if necessary. I am located in West Central Wisconsin. I hope I never need to 
ask for it, but  it was nice to hear that she is willing to prescribe it if I 
want it. Maybe there are a few vets that are beginning to listen. When Tigger 
first got sick, she did not offer it, but I have mentioned it to her a few 
times so she may have done some reading on it. I also am using a second vet who 
is closer to my home for some of Tigg’s needs and have talked to them about it 
too. Their position on FeLV+ cats has always been to euthanize immediately, and 
since Tigger’s return to health, they were questioning me on what my other vet 
did to treat him. Both of the vet offices have been amazed at Tigger’s 
recovery, and seem to feel that now there is a chance for FeLV+ cats. I pray 
every day that Tigger will live out the remainder of his life as a healthy cat. 
He is 5 now, and they feel that he was born with it, even though he tested 
negative when I first found him. (They said he must have been “shedding” the 
virus at the time I had him tested, so the test was inaccurate. Apparently you 
have to retest if you want to be sure…..who knew?) They also told me the 
vaccination can be ineffective in some cases.


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