Hi , I live in spain in a very rural are  & last year I lost 2 cats  who were 
felv +  , they were not in contacted with my house cats  but one of  them  ( 
9yrs old )  is  latent  positive DNA  with a low reading of the virus ,  I did 
a quantative  pcr  , he was negative in the elisa test and I was told that he 
is not contagious . my other 2 cats are vacinated  against fel.
my question …..
As I see yourselves are up to date with all the latest things  - someone  left 
a kitten on my wall just before christmas - he is now been in “ quarantine” for 
5 weeks , he is about 4months old , I need to test him  but when is the right 
time to test kittens as I have read many article re: the anitbodies of the 
mother so a kitten can test false positive.
I am keen to know , as he is on his own and hopefully he will be negative  so I 
then can vaccinate him  as I am also told that, are they any special test to do 
this , I dont want to do the basic snap test and I am happy to do the elisa and 
a pcr test.
Hope you can help me , here in the area a live in which is very rural ,lots of 
ferral cat  the vets  just give up on felv + , so I dont wont to ask my vet  
until I am up to date with all the information.
thank you 
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