Will the trailer park allow the pets? How many? I once adopted a kitten from a co-worker who wasn't allow to have even 1 kitten in her trailer.


On 5/5/2016 10:32 AM, Amani Oakley wrote:

Hi Katherine

I have not heard from Sharon, but I have heard back from my former client in South Carolina, who has done a lot of research for me (bless her soul) and come up with a number of options. The best one she presented to me was a 2 bedroom used mobile home in Summerville for about $7,000 U.S. This is obviously quite inexpensive, and she says it probably needs new carpeting and a new air conditioning system, but probably for about $10,000 to $12,000 U.S., with furniture, it is a good option. There is also a monthly fee for the lot, which is usually around $350 a month but it is already in a trailer park and wouldn’t have to be moved.

This is a totally do-able target number for me. If I can hear from her regarding whether she is in favour of this option, I can get to work to get that mobile home for her.

I hate to rely upon you to be the go-between, and if you are unable to do that, I will have to venture onto Facebook, regardless of my concerns. Let me know.


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