By the way – I think it is one of the few places that will allow animals.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Margo
Sent: June-01-16 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Can we try to help this woman who is helping cats??

Maybe this one?

If it is, they're getting a deal, at least. The management must be pretty 

-----Original Message-----
From: swacht
Sent: Jun 1, 2016 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Can we try to help this woman who is helping cats??

can we find out for sure where this lady is – please
Sandy W

From: Amani Oakley<>
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 5:37 PM
To: Margo<> ;<>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Can we try to help this woman who is helping cats??

Thanks Margo. Any assistance you can give would be tremendous. I think she is 
in North Charleston if that sounds right to you. She is staying at the Red Roof 
Inn, I think it’s called, - the North Charleston Coliseum one.

Thanks again.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Margo
Sent: June-01-16 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Can we try to help this woman who is helping cats??


                  I will help, but I can't seem to get back to the posts that 
tell where she is. I know I saw it, and I'm pretty sure it was towards the 
coast. I'm in NW SC, too far to actually be of hands-on help. I do have someone 
near Columbia, but that may not be near enough.

                  I'll check the GoFundMe, that may answer some questions...


-----Original Message-----
From: Amani Oakley
Sent: Jun 1, 2016 4:06 PM
To: "<>"
Subject: [Felvtalk] Can we try to help this woman who is helping cats??

Hi Everyone

A while back, a member of this group posted about a woman in South Carolina who 
needed help in placing some cats, one of whom was FeLV positive and 9 years 
old, so obviously would be immediately put down if taken to a shelter. The 
woman was about to lose her own housing and was trying to place these cats so 
they would not be homeless too.

The woman, Sharon Follin Jowers, was desperately trying to find homes for her 
five older cats and her son’s dog, before being forced to live on the street. 
When I heard about her, my heart went out to her because Sharon clearly was 
motivated first and foremost about concern for where her animals were going to 
end up if she became homeless.

I spent quite a while looking into the situation because, frankly, I wanted to 
know if there was a better answer than placing her adult animals with strangers 
and her losing her house. I also wanted to be sure that it wasn’t a scam.

I have now spoken to Sharon on a few occasions, and emailed back and forth with 
her. I think that not only is her situation legit, but it is far worse than I 
initially imagined. She has severe COPD and was approved for a double-lung 
transplant, but that is now in jeopardy because she doesn’t have stable housing 
nor a car to get her to the city where the transplant was to take place, along 
with the numerous treatments before and after the transplant. She lives on 
oxygen and can barely move around and is so emaciated it is disturbing. Not 
surprisingly, this is very much hampering her ability to find new housing.

The issue with the housing, as best as I can understand it as a Canadian and 
not being familiar with South Carolina, etc., is that she had accommodations 
which were paid for by the state, but that housing had to meet certain 
standards. Her landlord refused to fix the plumbing and there was mold found 
from previous flooding, and so the state refused to pay him and he evicted her. 
She paid her part of her January rent but the state did not pay its share 
because of the condition of disrepair. She was evicted shortly after that. She 
has a Form 8 (I think) certificate which means that if she can find appropriate 
housing, the state will cover the rent, but she has not been able to find any 
accommodations which satisfy the state and medical requirements – for example, 
the place has to have no stairs. This isn’t her intractability – it is what has 
been written down as a condition of the state funding the rent. Right now, she 
is in a one-bedroom motel room. The rent is daily (no discounts for longer 
stays) and it is $41.99 per night plus tax. This doesn’t seem like much until 
you realize that 10 days is over $400.

The money she had saved to buy an old used car to get to her treatments and to 
drive to the other city where the transplant was to be conducted, has instead 
gone to this rent. She only has until June 6th to find suitable housing or her 
Form 6 expires.

Her son is trying to help, but because of her very debilitated state, he cannot 
leave her too often as she can’t do much for herself. He has part time job 
which is paying for the cat and dog food and a few groceries.

I have paid for some rent for her, but I only paid until tomorrow, and let me 
tell you, the Canadian dollar means that I have to pay 30% more.

I have decided to continue to assist her and I have found a number of excellent 
options in used mobile homes. I will be hitting up my lawyer friends for 
donations, and I will underwrite the bulk of the purchase or rent of a motor 
home until I can get some funds from my friends, but obviously, time is of the 
essence and (a) I am run off my feet at work and (b) I could really use someone 
down there to do the legwork. It is extremely cumbersome, and fraught with 
problems, to try and do this long distance but I will do it one way or the 
other. Problem is that it will probably delay things more, and I would sure 
prefer that the money go to the purchase or rent of a more permanent housing 
arrangement then daily rent at the motel.

I would be so very appreciative if each of you would consider donating to her 
GoFundMe campaign. Every little bit would help. She is an animal lover like all 
of us, and the fact that she is putting the welfare of her animals before her 
own needs and health, really deserves some support from us. I know that not 
everyone is in a position to donate some money, and believe me – I know what it 
is like to be strapped beyond belief – but if at all possible, I would consider 
it a personal favour if each of you would see if you are able to donate 
something to her. Even $50 will cover a night in the motel room.

Thanks for considering my request. I will keep this group posted on my efforts 
to help her and if anyone has contacts in South Carolina who can help me out, 
that would be amazing.


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