For toys, nothing beats a paper bag or cardboard box or a wad of paper.  

---- Sherri Godschalk <> wrote: 
> Thank you Robert. It is a roller coaster of emotions. I sleep very well
> when I hear her playing with her wad of paper in the hall in the middle of
> the night.
> Cute story about the your cats and the mystery leaves. :-) I have decided
> that cat toys are a complete waste of money anymore. A cotton ball, qtip,
> bubble wrap, feather earring all are more interesting to Bogey.
> I am starting to see that her good days are not as good as they were a
> month ago. No butt wiggles or jumping out to surprise the pups. She is
> just a tiny little 6.2 pound cat and had such a big personality. She does
> seem content like you described. Purrs and guards the bird feeders through
> the window from her condo. She probably sick of all the attention I give
> her, especially at pill time. I do hope she can bounce back.
> This is such a terrible, awful disease. Thanks for tips on what your cat
> will eat. I am writing them all down so I can try them with Bogey. She had
> her first KFC today. She wanted more but I thought I better offer it to
> her in small meals.
> I agree about the blood tests. It just really affirmed what I already
> knew. 
> Thank you for writing!
> On 10/27/16, 2:46 PM, "Felvtalk on behalf of ROBERT CHAPEL"
> < on behalf of>
> wrote:
> >Sherri...
> >My heart goes out to you... I KNOW very firsthand how difficult it is to
> >have no idea which way it will go.
> >I've thought my little guy was on his way out too many times to count
> >already and he just keeps bouncing back... Not always as well as before
> >but he still eats well, purrs a lot despite the 7 meds I have to give
> >him for his eyes and manages to stay out of reach of his Heavier, insane
> >1 yr old " brother" ( also FeLV+ but mercifully still healthy and
> >currently engaged in bringing leaves from the porch, individually in his
> >mouth, into the kitchen to play with.... I couldn't figure out where all
> >the leaves were coming from until I saw him do this, meticulously, over
> >15 minutes.... it was "cute overload"!!
> >I went to the ends of the earth to find things that Yogi would eat when
> >he was at his worst and the ONLY thing that worked for me was to grind
> >temptations chicken treats very finely and sprinkle them over all meat
> >baby food ( I tried a variety of meats I cooked myself and ground but he
> >preferred the baby food)... Sometimes Chicken Broth on a plate inspired
> >him to drink a bit more....worked better than a bowel as kitties do not
> >see straight down and his nose was, at times , a bit stuffed...  Don't
> >know if this is useful but my experience here is that the cumulative
> >experience of everyone usually nets some good useable ideas....Please
> >try not to stress too much over the blood results.... there was a time
> >before we had the ability to know whats going on inside bodies that we
> >just judged how well we ( or our creatures) were doing by their
> >functioning... and he appears to be functioning reasonably well...  Heck
> >... people run marathons with heart conditions..
> >
> >
> >On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 01:00 PM,
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to
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> >>
> >> Today's Topics:
> >>
> >>    1. Re: Bogey's checkup today - bad results (Ardy Robertson)
> >>    2. Re: Bogey's checkup today - bad results (Amani Oakley)
> >>
> >>
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >> Message: 1
> >> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2016 22:34:17 -0500
> >> From: "Ardy Robertson" To: Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup
> >> today - bad results
> >> Message-ID: <00a101d23002$ffb0f260$ff12d720$>
> >> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> >>
> >> I'll be praying the Doxy helps!!
> >> Ardy
> >>
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
> >> Of
> >> Sherri Godschalk
> >> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 10:38 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >>
> >> Ardy,
> >> She has been on the prednisolone since August 1. The Stanzolol about 2
> >> weeks
> >> after that. Today was first day of Doxy. Thanks for the well wishes.
> >> I think we are going to need them.
> >>
> >> SHerri
> >>
> >> On 10/26/16, 10:54 PM, "Felvtalk on behalf of Ardy Robertson"
> >>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Can I ask how long she has been on the Stanozolol? And you just
> >>> started the Prednisolone and Doxy, correct? My best wishes to Bogey
> >>> to improve soon!!
> >>>
> >>> Ardy
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
> >>> Of Amani Oakley
> >>> Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 12:59 PM
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >>>
> >>> Hi Sherri
> >>>
> >>> Yes, some of the results are worse (especially the platelets) but the
> >>> retic count is actually up a bit. I hope that adding the Doxycycline
> >>> might help.
> >>> The haematocrit and red cells are down, but nowhere as low as I have
> >>> seen them in cats with FeLV, so there is a lot of cushion still
> >>> there. The best piece of news is that she is eating and drinking and
> >>> gaining
> >> weight.
> >>>
> >>> Amani
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
> >>> Of Sherri Godschalk
> >>> Sent: October-26-16 12:59 PM
> >>> To:
> >>> Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >>>
> >>> Just a bit of information regarding Bogey?s last lab results. She had
> >>> been sleeping a lot and not as active so this really didn?t surprise
> >>> me.
> >>> Everything has taken a down turn.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   Range           26-Oct  30-Sep
> >>> RBC       6.54    12.2    2.54    2.9
> >>> HCT       30.3    52.3    14.8    17.9
> >>> HGB       9.8     16.2    5.2     6.2
> >>> MCV       35.9    53.1    58.3    61.7
> >>> MCH       11.8    17.3    20.5    21.4
> >>> MCHC      28.1    35.8    35.1    34.6
> >>> RDW       15      27      24.5    25.2
> >>> RETIC     3       50      89.9    82.1
> >>> WBC       2.87    17.02   13.05   12.01
> >>> NEU       1.48    1.029   3.97    3.96
> >>> LYM       0.92    6.88    7.8     6.81
> >>> MONO      0.05    0.67    1.16    1.17
> >>> EOS       0.17    1.57    0.11    0.06
> >>> BASO      0.01    0.26    0.01    0.01
> >>> PLT       151     800     28      53
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The only bit of good news is the doc did start her on Doxycycline
> >>> twice a day. So she is going to be on that and Prednisolone and
> >>> Stanzolol. I also give her Petinic twice a day and am going to add
> >>> Lysine. I hope that the Doxy isn?t arriving too late to help.
> >>>
> >>> Bogey is not suffering. She is eating, drinking and gaining weight,
> >>> although just a little, playing once in awhile. She is hiding now
> >>> which she never did before. My heart hurts today.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for listening.
> >>>
> >>> Sherri
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Felvtalk mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ------------------------------
> >>
> >> Message: 2
> >> Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 03:40:53 +0000
> >> From: Amani Oakley To: "" Subject: Re:
> >> [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >> Message-ID:
> >>    
> >> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >>
> >> It is an old wives' tale. It will not thin the blood.
> >>
> >> Amani
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf
> >> Of Sherri Godschalk
> >> Sent: October-26-16 11:41 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >>
> >> Great ideas on the KFC, tuna and such. I will get some tomorrow for
> >> her. I am trying to find something with not much salt as I was always
> >> told that thins the blood. Is that an old wive's tale?
> >>
> >> On 10/26/16, 7:29 PM, " on behalf
> >> of"  wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> ---- Amani Oakley  wrote:
> >>>> Sherri, half the battle is keeping her eating. As long as she is
> >>>> eating, you are ahead of the curve. I really don't like the low
> >>>> platelet count but nothing else in the bloodwork is very alarming
> >>>> right now. Were there clots in the sample? Did they do a slide
> >>>> count? See if your results have anything at the bottom about the
> >>>> recheck they did for the low platelets.
> >>>>
> >>>> Keep Bogey eating, as much as possible. Use things like tuna water
> >>>> or tuna juice from tuna cans, to keep her hungry. Get Kentucky Fried
> >>>> Chicken for her (without the covering!).
> >>>>
> >>>> You are doing very well for your little girl. I'm glad your vet
> >>>> isn't giving up, and neither should you or Bogey.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm crossing my fingers for you that the Doxycycline helps. Frankly,
> >>>> though, he shouldn't have waited to get bad news. At least he is
> >>>> willing to try it now.
> >>>>
> >>>> Amani
> >>>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Felvtalk [] On
> >>>> Behalf Of Sherri Godschalk
> >>>> Sent: October-26-16 6:44 PM
> >>>> To:
> >>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Amani. I did feel very happy that he agreed to the Doxy. Maybe
> >>>> the fact that the current regiment was clearly becoming ineffective
> >>>> made him think we needed to add something. He is going to look into
> >>>> Interferon for her and I am going to research that this evening as I
> >>>> have only seen it mentioned here and there. He isn't giving up and I
> >>>> am awfully glad about that because I am nowhere near ready. I don't
> >>>> think Bogey is ready either.
> >>>>
> >>>> Sherri
> >>>>
> >>>> On 10/26/16, 1:59 PM, "Felvtalk on behalf of Amani Oakley"
> >>>>
> >
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> >Felvtalk mailing list
> >
> >
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