
Because she is probably dehydrated, the urine will be darker like that. She is 
probably also getting rid of some of the jaundice, so it is likely a 
combination of the two issues, causing the darkening of the urine.

If you have given insulin in the nape of the neck, you probably already have 
the technique down pat. The fluid is allowed to pool in the area beneath the 
skin. As for Bogey not sitting still, again, you can give that fluid rather 
quickly if you can’t keep her still for too long. I have had the vet clinic 
“load up” my cats with fluids, very rapidly, and send them home with me with a 
big bubble of fluid present in the back of the neck (which often slides down to 
under their chin) and the vets informed me that there is no problem – the body 
will absorb the fluid at the rate needed by the body and anything excess is 

In terms of the amount, ask your vet for a recommendation. When I am giving 
fluid, I tend to give as much as possible in one go (to a reasonable amount of 
course) to minimize having to insert a needle in every few hours. Bogey is 
small so maybe only 100 mls or so. I will usually monitor how quickly the fluid 
is absorbed and if it goes quickly, the cat is more dehydrated and needs more 
fluids, so I will increase the amount I give in one go.

I agree you should also consider letting her sleep. That is an important part 
of recovering (not to mention important for you as well).


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-15-16 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: FW: FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Is she ridding herself of the jaundice when it comes out that color?

I have never done it myself. I did call the vet before they closed today and 
ask if I could bring her in for sub Q in the morning and they agreed. I have 
given insulin in the nap of the neck, is it about the same? I will inquire when 
and if I need to go in tomorrow. I can probably get everything I would need 
there. The car ride stresses her so it would be easier on her if I did it. How 
much do you have to give at a time? She won’t sit still for very long. She 
needs more fluids also because she hasn’t had a bowel movement still and has 
had probably close to 7 oz of food today. She only weighs 5.5 pounds so she is 
taking in quite a bit. We have gone through 2 cans but really I end up wearing 
at least part of each helping.

Bogey ate on her own tonight! This food…Nutros. She mostly licked it but I 
added water and so there was more moisture. This cat has not slept very much. I 
am constantly waking her to feed and water her. I feel like this could be 
taxing her some and that she is not getting enough rest. I may feed more in 
fewer feedings tomorrow. For an animal that probably slept 13 hours a day…she 
has probably only had 7 or 8 hours total in the last 2 days and that is on the 
high side. Needless to say I am sleeping an equal amount. We do everything we 
can don’t we.

Thanks for the SUBQ info. I think with this many animals I should know how to 
do it. If Bogey survives this, no doubt with her illness she will need to have 
this done a few times in her life time.

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