Hi Nancy

Were your cats in anemic crisis when you put them on the supplements, or were 
they positive for FeLV but not in crisis? I am interested to know if your 
supplements turned around severe non-regenerative anemia. I am sure I am not 
telling you anything new when I indicate that the problem is that if a cat is 
severely anemic and not producing his/her own red cells (low or insufficient 
reticulocytes) then there is very little time to address the crisis. Moreover, 
as I have posted before epogen, and other erythropoietin-type mimics, act on 
the red cell precursors in the bone marrow, signalling to them to produce more 
red cells. If the precursor cells are damaged or killed by the virus, which 
they often are, and that is why all three cell lines (red cells, white cells 
and platelets) are often affected, then no amount of erythropoietin, “yelling” 
at a dead precursor cell, will get it to re-start red cell production. The only 
thing I have found that has a chance to do that is the Winstrol, coupled with 
the Doxycycline. The Winstrol promotes the development of bone marrow and has 
been found to be effective for conditions such as osteoporosis. It promotes the 
growth and increased density of bone.

Were you able to restart bone marrow red cell production with the supplements 
you are referencing? I would be very interested to hear if that is the case 
since we certainly need as many weapons in our arsenal as possible.



From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: January-11-17 12:31 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Omega 3s

I'm sure this won't be allowed, but I must try anyways as I cannot express how 
important it is to put your cats on an omega 3 supplement.  Moxxor is 100% 
pure.  Green-lip mussel oil, grapeseed oil and kiwifruitseed oil.  No 
preservatives, pesticides, GMOs, Mercury, PCBs, or excipients of any kind.  My 
two FeLV cats are on Moxxor and knock on wood have been doing well.  They also 
take the Rx Vitamins for Pets ~ Liquid Immuno.  All natural.  For Moxxor, 
please please come join my FB page at 
https://www.facebook.com/moxxorforabetterlife/    to learn more about this.  I 
swear by it for both me and for my two girls.

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