Thanks for the update – I’m so VERY happy to hear about Curly’s improvements, 
not only for your kitty but for all the others, and their vets, who may begin 
to trust the Winstrol-Prednisolone-Doxycyclene punch for FeLV!!




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Randy 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:53 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Curly's gradual improvement


It has been a little over a month ago that I asked for advice on this forum for 
our little girl, Curly.

At that point, I had little hope. She was so lethargic and her hematocrit had 
dipped to a critical 9%. I took everyone's advice, especially Amani's, and 
asked our vet for Predisolone, Winstrol and Doxycycline.

According to her latest CBC two weeks ago, she is still a very sick kitty but 
her hematocrit rebounded to 15% which I know is still very low. All other 
numbers are improving slowly as well. That was after less than three weeks of 

She is due for another CBC next Tuesday and I am hopeful we will see more 
improvement. I've noticed her gums are more pink which I believe is a good sign.

We were still having problems with getting her to eat. She would have her good 
days and her bad days but her weight was still creeping down. Last week I asked 
our vet about Mirtazapine and our vet agreed to give us a prescription for it. 
I have to thank Robert for mentioning this in one of his posts.

One day last week she didn't want to eat so I gave her a quarter pill (3.75 mg) 
which is the dose our vet prescribed to give her daily. The result was 
phenomenal and almost a little scary. She was bouncing off the walls within a 
few hours and eating everything she could get her paws on. I almost felt a 
little sorry for her because it was like she couldn't sit still for more than a 
couple of minutes. But it was like getting our old Curly back again in just a 
single day!

The effect tapered off after a couple of days and we didn't feel comfortable 
giving her another dose until she stopped eating again because of how dramatic 
the change was. I've read online that a smaller dose could be effective if 
given every 72 hours so we are going to try doing that so she keeps eating. It 
was incredible to see her weight go up by a quarter pound in just a couple of 

We are continuing the Prednisolone and Winstrol at the recommended doses but 
our two week Doxycycline prescription ran out over a week ago. She does appear 
to still be making improvement without it but I'm wondering if I should ask for 
another prescription to keep that going as well.

I always worry about giving her the quarter pill of Doxy because I know it can 
cause esophageal damage if it isn't followed by liquids. I was following the 
pill with the liquid Winstrol solution but wasn't sure if that was enough.

Many thanks to everyone who gave us advice. It looks like we might have our 
Curly back for at least a while yet and it's all because of you people.



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