
A few days back you had inquired about FeLV rescues and sanctuaries....   When I got my FeLV boys I searched the Web for just such resources...not to transfer them but to be prepared with places they might go in the even something happened to me AND , specifically, to call them and ask their advice about how to care for my boys ( this was before I found this list)... I wanted to talk to people who spent a lot of time with multiple FeLV cats....   Found that some folks were just nice folks that were providing homes and other were pretty well funded and set up with good boards and had a decent track record of adoption....   I'm very sorry that I don't have the contacts right now....  I put them on my PC somewhere and now don't know precisely where but... a couple of google searches with FeLV Rescue FeLV Sanctuary....FelV adoption as the search terms and you will turn up quite a few....   Off hand I recall Blind Cat Rescue and Merrimack River ( in Mass) as two possibilities....  The name's Aslan and Seer Farms also stick in my mind.... but I can't be more specific than that at the moment....   FEW I imagine are going to immediately welcome new additions but it's always been my experience that if you get to know people at one place....they know people at another place....etc...etc and sooner or later you hit on someone that can offer assistance......   BTW....  I'm absolutely with Amani on this one.....    If your other cats are no longer kittens...( say 1.5 years and up) I'd vaccinate them and let your other little love join them....  I have yet to hear of FeLV being passed from Kitten to Adult....   I'd worry a LOT in reverse and would not put a very young negative cat in with FeLV positive adults..'s what YOU are comfortable with.....   I just know that some cats really do a LOT better with company... my remaining boy ( I lost one of my guys just a short while ago after a brief life of constant illness) is VERY affiliative and I ended up adopting him BECAUSE I could see that he was dying to be with company.... Other cats... not so much... Your guy sound much like my own remaining guy and I'd really be inclined to let him have he company.....


On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 11:16 PM, wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer (Jennifer Olson)
   2. Re: age (Jennifer Olson)
   3. Knowledge is power (Jennifer Olson)
   4. Re: age (Jennifer Olson)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 19:23:53 -0600
From: Jennifer Olson To:
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Katherine, Rebecca and Jennifer
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I'm new   =~}

On Feb 10, 2017 7:50 AM, "Rebecca Pruett" wrote:

I am .

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 8:36 AM Katherine K.  wrote:

I'm not a new member. Been on here for about 4 years.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:51 PM,  wrote:

Are you all new members? I never get your emails except in "trash". How do I get these people coming to my inbox? I know I must have missed a few
emails because of this.

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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 19:29:36 -0600
From: Jennifer Olson To:, Margo Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] age
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

MN. Right now I'm about to switch from oral ivermectin to Feline Advantage
His fur appears to be growing back, and he must be scratching less because nearly all of the scabs/ bumps are gone- BUT it would be nice to destroy
the mites FASTER, & without the nasty tasting oral.
Your thoughts?

On Feb 9, 2017 4:42 PM, "Margo"  wrote:

Hi Jennifer,

            Thank you for taking him :)

            What are you using to treat him for mites and worms? It
shouldn't be difficult to keep them under control after initial treatment,
so is something else going on?

Where are you? No need to be specific, just general area, and
maybe someone can offer more "local" advice. V take FeLV+ cats.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Olson
Sent: Feb 9, 2017 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] age

On Dec 22nd, 2016 an ADORABLE young male kitty arrived crying @ our home. We already have 3 cats & a dog, so we tried to find him a home. After a month, and having allowed him inside (kept seperate from our zoo) due to lethally cold weather, we decided he was here to stay. I was DEVASTATED when he tested positive for FeLV. My problem isn't whether to give him a chance at as long of a happy life he may have ahead of him, but HOW ! We can't keep him alone in the basement bedroom forever, there isn't even a decent sized window for him & my heart breaks that the only time I can give him is to sleep by him at night. The few times I check in on him during the day are so brief! He has SUCH character, and is SO handsome. I don't know how he ended up at our home, unless he was dumped or left a nearby farm. WHERE are the rescue agencies for FeLV+ cats ? ? ? Currently I'm treating him for skin mites (has ear mites TOO) so he MIGHT be deemed "adoptable" at a shelter that does try adopting out FeLV+ cats. The precautions necessary to keep the mites, FeLV, oh yes- AND worms (had to treat EVERYONE) from
spreading is also wearing me out.

On Feb 8, 2017 5:12 PM,  wrote:

My Annie is now 9 years old and was diagnosed as positive when I got her at age 4. She recently started sneezing and had runny eyes so off to the vet we went. She gave her a shot of antibiotic and some more to take at home. She seems to be improving, no more sniffles or runny eyes. So far the discharges have been clear but I did not want to wait a few days to be sure. He other problem is a lame left front leg. It is not broken and the vet thinks she probably sprained it when jumping dow from high places, which she does a lot trying to avoid Harley who is a real pest these winter days. If he cannot get outside, he is a terrorist on 4 legs, knocks things
down, over, stares at me.

---- Marlene Snowman  wrote:
Hi Sheila, my little Bear is 1.5 years old and I've had her since she
was a little more than 1 month old. She was very ill and tested positive from entry into my life. She appears healthy with good appetite with the exception of a nasal infection that the vet has been unable to remedy.

I have no other personal experience with Felv although I have work
colleagues who have cats that are 6 years old and appearing healthy.

I'm hoping that all our fur babies have longevity and a quality of life


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 8, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium <> wrote:

I am learning a lot about FELV cats since I found my Skylar.  Just
wondering about how old is the oldest cat that lived with it. I had the IFA test done and that is positive also even though he is perfectly healthy at the moment. He will be 2 years old this month, I found him a year ago.

Sheila Armstrong-Brown
Administrative Aide
Psych Pool

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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:01:58 -0600
From: Jennifer Olson To:
Subject: [Felvtalk] Knowledge is power
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

If I had known about the need for FeLV+ homes before I got my other cats, I just might have started a little refuge myself. How worried SHOULD we be about keeping the FeLV+ stray I've become attached to over the last few
Worrying is ruining quality of life here...
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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:16:33 -0600
From: Jennifer Olson To:
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] age
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I really feel for you & the situation. Dealing with almost the same issues
here. I'm praying for you.

On Feb 9, 2017 3:14 PM, "Rebecca Pruett" wrote:

The cat I rescued from my neighborhood September of last year is probably around 7-8 years old and just got a positive IFA for FeLV. She also has FIV and bartonella (which was treated with an antibiotic. She is missing many of her teeth and the rest need to be pulled. She has good and bad days. I feel so bad having to keep her quarantined in a bathroom but she isn't a fan of other cats and I don't want my cats exposed. I got her a cat tree so she can sit and look out the window and she seems happy I just wish I could find her a forever home. I've been trying for months with no luck. She's
such a sweet cat.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 4:07 PM Katherine K.  wrote:

My cat was diagnosed at age 11. He's about to turn 15. His health has
been up and down since the diagnosis.

My other cat (who is negative) gets vaccinated yearly since his
diagnosis. They were already living together so any risk of exposure had
already happened. After almost 4 years, she is still negative.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:03 PM, Amani Oakley wrote:

Jennifer, how old are your other cats? Are they vaccinated for FeLV? I would speak with your vet, but I have never ever had a cat spread FeLV to another cat in my household. I might be more worried if your other cats are
just kittens, but if they are adults, just take the precaution of
vaccinating them.


*From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf
Of *Jennifer Olson
*Sent:* February-09-17 2:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] age

On Dec 22nd, 2016 an ADORABLE young male kitty arrived crying @ our home. We already have 3 cats & a dog, so we tried to find him a home. After a month, and having allowed him inside (kept seperate from our zoo) due to lethally cold weather, we decided he was here to stay. I was DEVASTATED when he tested positive for FeLV. My problem isn't whether to give him a chance at as long of a happy life he may have ahead of him, but HOW ! We can't keep him alone in the basement bedroom forever, there isn't even a decent sized window for him & my heart breaks that the only time I can give him is to sleep by him at night. The few times I check in on him during the day are so brief! He has SUCH character, and is SO handsome. I don't know how he ended up at our home, unless he was dumped or left a nearby farm.

WHERE are the rescue agencies for FeLV+ cats ? ? ? Currently I'm treating him for skin mites (has ear mites TOO) so he MIGHT be deemed "adoptable" at a shelter that does try adopting out FeLV+ cats. The precautions necessary to keep the mites, FeLV, oh yes- AND worms (had to treat EVERYONE) from
spreading is also wearing me out.


On Feb 8, 2017 5:12 PM,  wrote:

My Annie is now 9 years old and was diagnosed as positive when I got her at age 4. She recently started sneezing and had runny eyes so off to the vet we went. She gave her a shot of antibiotic and some more to take at home. She seems to be improving, no more sniffles or runny eyes. So far the discharges have been clear but I did not want to wait a few days to be sure. He other problem is a lame left front leg. It is not broken and the vet thinks she probably sprained it when jumping dow from high places, which she does a lot trying to avoid Harley who is a real pest these winter days. If he cannot get outside, he is a terrorist on 4 legs, knocks things
down, over, stares at me.

---- Marlene Snowman  wrote:
Hi Sheila, my little Bear is 1.5 years old and I've had her since she
was a little more than 1 month old. She was very ill and tested positive from entry into my life. She appears healthy with good appetite with the exception of a nasal infection that the vet has been unable to remedy.

I have no other personal experience with Felv although I have work
colleagues who have cats that are 6 years old and appearing healthy.

I'm hoping that all our fur babies have longevity and a quality of life


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 8, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Armstrong-Brown, Sheila DDS Timonium <> wrote:

I am learning a lot about FELV cats since I found my Skylar.  Just
wondering about how old is the oldest cat that lived with it. I had the IFA test done and that is positive also even though he is perfectly healthy at the moment. He will be 2 years old this month, I found him a year ago.

Sheila Armstrong-Brown
Administrative Aide
Psych Pool

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