Alright-  Figaro just pee'd on my bed right- next to me- after I cleaned
box (and then his paws because he made loose poop & got litter ETC on the
bed) caught him in the act. He hasn't been neutered yet. I threw my bedding
into washer, sprayed bed with "Nature's Miracle- No Spray" & resolved I am
NOT remaking bed...
I can hear him crying, like he does when I AM there trying to go to sleep.
Overnight is the biggest lump of time I can be with him so he isn't
COMPLETELY isolated, alone.... I hate this.
Do I just go to bed now upstairs, or TRY to lay in a dry spot with new

On Mar 1, 2017 4:26 PM, <> wrote:

> AMEN TO THAT!  I especially get angry that they do not consider
> alternative medicine a viable tratment.  Unless I get a broken arm, I first
> try alternative meds.  I have not had a flu shot for over 8 years and have
> not had a cold or flu.  I use ginger, turmeric, garlic, onion, cinnamon as
> my anti flu meds.  I just wish we knew more about animals (cats) and herbs,
> which is safe or not safe to use.  Then when something comes up on a
> weekend/holiday and I cannot et my cat to the vet, I would be able to start
> treatment  until I can get to a vet.
> ---- ROBERT CHAPEL <> wrote:
> > Amani...
> If we consider the extended time frame for Doxy and multiple courses of
> other ABX it makes a certain "intuitive" sense that a non bacterial
> infection is going to require a longer period of time to have whatever
> non-specific ( read... not related to bacterial infection
> necessarily)...  So little research money appears to be devoted to FeLV
> that I don't know that we'll know in the next decade unless the
> continuing demands of consumers ( who do NOT want to hear , in this day
> and age of " Miracles") that there is _ no hope_ for their much loved
> pets) alter this course.    I STILL bristle when I think of the closed
> minds in the medical and Veterinary community and SO resent that
> businessmen( Yes...that is what the vast majority are turning into now
> that practices are being forced to consolidate into " Health Systems")..
> hold the power of life and death over us AND our pets.   On the plus
> side.... with the business model being what it is ( and in contrast to
> the lost art of " professionalism")  The CONSUMER is always right.  Vets
> will be forced, in the future, to work more closely with the "
> customers" wishes as attachment to a given vet will become less common
> as time goes on and people will " practice shop " for the answers they
> want until such time as Vet services become so expensive that insurance
> becomes a " must have " and ultimately go the way of medicine (
> ie...being confined to a slate of approved practitioners...
> again....limiting choice)...  But... there are some years to go before
> that happens and I feel that there IS a window of opportunity happening
> NOW and for the next few  years for people to have some real influence
> on how Vets practice....   I am betting, for example, that had I had the
> money to go to a more " well to do " neighborhood where people are more
> demanding and better informed I could have found a vet to cooperate...
> Here in the "sticks" people just blindly accept what the vet has to say
> and they still enjoy the freedom of calling all the shots.....   This
> WILL end over the next couple of years.  I learned a lot with this first
> experience and made mistakes that I WILL NOT make again.
> BTW....  Do you have any literature in support of the AntiRNA effects of
> Doxy...     I am SO happy that there are still a couple of things out
> there that we still can get our hands on that don't have to pass muster
> with script pad businessmen....  STILL I am also not advocating the the
> medically ill prepared take it upon themselves to decide that THEY will
> decide what is best for their animal... If we are going to go above and
> beyond our Vets advice it would best be with very sound reasoning and an
> EXCELLENT understanding of what we are doing and why.   Anything less
> and the community of Veterinary practitioners could easily dismiss our
> successes as "dumb luck" or ascribe them to " unknown" factors.....  I
> think this is particularly important re: Winstrol/Pred/Doxy   I'd hate
> to see people going to their vets asking for this combination of drugs
> and really having an inadequate understanding of why they are asking for
> beyond the fact that it's been recommended on our forum...    For
> myself... I am clear on the Whys of Winstrol and Doxy ( though will be
> looking for more lit support on the RNA effects of Doxy) but not clear
> on the whys of the Pred.
> Sorry for taking up so much space here but I'm having an " attack " of
> missing my little guy and am tremulous about being caught in the same
> position if I take in another FeLV as I am inclined to do....
> >
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