Thank you Bob.  I'm definitely gonna get him the Depo this weekend.  It's just 
terrible to see him wanting to eat more and not being able to.
I feed colony cats and had one Leuk+ guy at one of my colonies who lived 8 yrs 
after first testing positive and he was always in good health until the last 
few months.  Interestingly enough - he lived with other cats at the colony and 
none of the others I've tested from there ever got it.
I'm hoping I can give Spencer at least some good years.
Maribel "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
-Mohandas Ghandi

      From: ROBERT CHAPEL <>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 3:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis...
So sorry to hear the little spencer is FeLV...    On the plus side... 
He's made it to 2 yrs old and in my ( not extensive but growing) 
experience... if they don't die in the first year they often can last 
and...yes...  it appears that full mouth extraction is the "gold 
standard" for Stomatitis.. it has always bothered me that they still 
have not come up with something that can address this damnable infection 
without costing Kitties ALL their  teeth.... Again, on the " bright" 
side... cats do remarkably well without teeth.   I'm surprised that 
Spencer isn't eating more of the baby food as it takes very little mouth 
pressure to get it down...  I've fed cats a diet of almost total Baby 
food ... both syringe and freely taken and think it is just great.....  
If I were going to do it long term I'd look for a Taurine supplement as 
I doubt that Baby food has sufficient Taurine for optimal Kitty 
Health.....    ****** I'd definitely go with the Depo injection...   or 
, secondarily  Prednisolone... both will help with inflammation ( and 
therefore pain) with the side benefit of increase in appetite.....   
Your devotion to this Kitty is obvious in your post and I wish you and 
the little guy all the best.... I'd love to see you and he have more 
comfortable years together..

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:27:23 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Maribel Piloto

> To: "" Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis 
> and FeLV cats
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi all,
> I have a very sweet indoor-only?gray tabby named Spencer who at only 2 
> yrs of age sadly tested positive for FeLV.?? Spencer has developed 
> stomatitis which makes it very hard for him to eat.? He had always 
> enjoyed his food but in the last few months it's gotten to the point 
> where he only gets in one or two licks before he yelps and runs away 
> in pain.? He's lost weight as a result.? I know that for stomatitis, 
> the long-term solution is usually a full-mouth extraction of all 
> teeth.?? In May I will be getting a bonus at work and plan on taking 
> him to a dentist I've used many times before to get him evaluated for 
> the procedure and probably have it done.???In the meantime, I've been 
> giving him a powder called Plaque Off which is supposed to help with 
> stomatitis.? I can get Spencer to eat the baby food that comes in 
> these tiny jars and is just chicken/turkey/ham and cornstarch so I mix 
> the powder with that.? So far, it hasn't been doing much.?? In the 
> past, when I've had otherwise healthy c
>  ats with stomatitis, I've gotten them shots of Depo Medrol every 
> other month or a couple of times a year and this has cleared the 
> swelling.? Depo is a steroid which reduces inflammation but also, 
> suppresses the immune system.
> For those of you who may be familiar with stomatitis and Depo in 
> FeLV...
> do you think the full-mouth extraction is the way to go??? Do you 
> think it would be ok to get Spencer at least one shot of the Depo to 
> alleviate the stomatitis until I can get him the full-mouth extraction 
> in May??? Spencer likes those jars of baby food but I'm sure they 
> don't have all the nutrition a cat needs.? Any supplements you can 
> recommend that I could add to those - giving him something by mouth is 
> impossible.
> Would appreciate any thoughts/advice you can share.
> Maribel & Spencer
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
> treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 18:39:58 +0000
> From: Amani Oakley To: Maribel Piloto
>     ""    
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis and FeLV cats
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Maribel
> Probably removing the teeth is the way to go. I don?t think it would 
> hurt to have the Depo shot. Obviously, there is an infection and 
> anything which might help to clear up the infection or reduce the 
> swelling from the infection, would be beneficial.
> One other thing to suggest is use of Prednisolone 5 mg a day, which 
> will also help reduce swelling and therefore pain.
> Regarding the baby food, on the contrary, it is an ideal food for 
> cats. It has a lot of vitamins, fat, protein, etc. I have saved more 
> than my fair share of cats by feeding them strictly baby food by 
> syringe until they were healthy enough to eat on their own. If he 
> takes the baby food on his own, great. If not, see how many 
> syringe-fulls you can get in. Also consider using the ?juice? from a 
> can of tuna, and/or puree the tuna with some water and syringe that 
> up, if he will not eat it on his own.
> With cats, I have always found that the trick is to get enough food 
> into them to allow their bodies to start to heal. If they won?t eat 
> sufficient food on their own, I will syringe-feed them with some 
> intensity, since there is a saw-off point when they begin to feel 
> better and their appetite increases, thus requiring less of the 
> syringe-feeding.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf 
> Of Maribel Piloto
> Sent: April-24-18 2:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis and FeLV cats
> Hi all,
> I have a very sweet indoor-only gray tabby named Spencer who at only 2 
> yrs of age sadly tested positive for FeLV.  Spencer has developed 
> stomatitis which makes it very hard for him to eat.  He had always 
> enjoyed his food but in the last few months it's gotten to the point 
> where he only gets in one or two licks before he yelps and runs away 
> in pain.  He's lost weight as a result.  I know that for stomatitis, 
> the long-term solution is usually a full-mouth extraction of all 
> teeth.  In May I will be getting a bonus at work and plan on taking 
> him to a dentist I've used many times before to get him evaluated for 
> the procedure and probably have it done.  In the meantime, I've been 
> giving him a powder called Plaque Off which is supposed to help with 
> stomatitis.  I can get Spencer to eat the baby food that comes in 
> these tiny jars and is just chicken/turkey/ham and cornstarch so I mix 
> the powder with that.  So far, it hasn't been doing much.  In the 
> past, when I've had otherwise healthy c
>  ats with stomatitis, I've gotten them shots of Depo Medrol every 
> other month or a couple of times a year and this has cleared the 
> swelling.  Depo is a steroid which reduces inflammation but also, 
> suppresses the immune system.
> For those of you who may be familiar with stomatitis and Depo in 
> FeLV...
> do you think the full-mouth extraction is the way to go?
> Do you think it would be ok to get Spencer at least one shot of the 
> Depo to alleviate the stomatitis until I can get him the full-mouth 
> extraction in May?
> Spencer likes those jars of baby food but I'm sure they don't have all 
> the nutrition a cat needs.  Any supplements you can recommend that I 
> could add to those - giving him something by mouth is impossible.
> Would appreciate any thoughts/advice you can share.
> Maribel & Spencer
> "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are 
> treated."
> -Mohandas Ghandi
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