Forgot to mention, Nicky likes Nutritional Yeast too, from the health food store. I mean LOVES the stuff. He'll meow and pester me for it. So he gets that daily (which has lots of vitamins)

I had a real lover of a cat in the 70's and 80's, Jacques, that loved avocado. Also liked - went crazy for - corn on the cob. You should have seen him gnawing the corn off the cob!


Merlin is getting sub-q fluids and only wants the juicy stuff, not solid food, but I know he is not getting enough nutrition that way. I do know that k/d and the Iams or Purina kidney diets can help buy kidney failure kitties lots of extra time sometimes - my Angel had 3 more years in end-stage kidney failure because of sub-q fluids and k/d, but some kitties don't like Sci Diet k/d much. I have made the low-protein home made diet in the past, but not much time for that now. I guess baby food is fine (wasn't aware it was low protein, but it probably is less than cat food) so long as that isn't the only thing they eat as they can't get taurine and other necessary stuff from just baby food. Merl does like Nutrical. He isn't eating any dry at all realy, although he shows interest.

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