Yes, who can understand it.  Our furkids are as important as human family members because they are our family, too.  Very upsetting.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Jelly roll good news bad news

People should feel guilt about buying expensive cars and clothes and wine
when there are people who can not afford health care, but not about providing
medical care to their own loved ones.  My partner and I were upset about an
article we read about a woman who spent $25,000 on a kidney transplant for her cat
and was interviewed about it, and then she got all sorts of hate mail about
doing that when there are humans who can not afford it. She said she does not
drink, gamble, go on vacation, or buy anything expensive, so why can't she spend
her hard earned money to save her cat's life?  My partner and I were so
upset-- why don't people send hate mail to people who spend $25,000 on a car-- why
is that somehow ok and spending it save a life is not?

In a message dated 10/22/04 9:17:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I know where you're coming from, Barbara, but you needn't feel guilty.
You are two different families, in two entirely separate situations. You
love and care for Jelly Roll, and will do whatever you can to help him.
The family love their little girl and will do whatever it takes to help
her. We would all go crazy if we started thinking otherwise. Lots of
love and hugs to Jelly Roll, and hope the treatment goes well. Kerry
-----Original Message----- >>

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