Another thing ... I bought a carpeted triangular shelf (about 21" each side) to hang fm the top - which made the 4th shelf.  They can really sprawl out on that shelf and be up high like cats like.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: Cat Playpens

I have both the Midwest cat playpen (fm Foster Smith or other supply catalog - PetsMart is much more expensive for the same) and a cheaper one (same size) fm  About 24" x 36" x 4'H.  I do have one of the short ones but don't like it and neither do they.  It's good for a couple of days convalescing when no jumping is allowed or bitty kits.
Pros and cons:
Midwest:  the two doors drop down and if leaving the bottom one open for them to go in and out (getting acquainted with it), kind of lousy for them to step on.  The doors are wide enough to put in a larger size litter pan.  The shelves snap in securely.  To clean the floor (water spills on scattered litter and makes cement) the whole darned wire cage must be lifted off. 
PetEdge:  I don't know the brand name of this one.  It is cheaper than the Midwest, about $20-30 difference.  The doors are arched, and stand open nicely to the side.  They are slightly narrower than the Midwest and require a smaller litter box.  The wheels lock.   The shelves are not as secure if kitty jumps around in there a lot.  The bottom pan can slip out easily to clean.
I think I have three of each kind.  The cats love them and so do I.  Both have advantages.  Unfortunately the shelves fm Midweest do not fit in the PetEdge.
I place a throw rug on the bottom floor of the condo; also a padded kitty cube with two openings on the bottom floor for snugling or hiding.  I do buy the fleece perch covers.  Also use the mounted metal bowls to prevent spills.  Be sure to place the shelves where there is either NO space for kitty to slip between shelf and cage wire or enough space for their whole body so to avoid kitty hanging himself - that HAS happened to others.  Depending on the kitty, I sometimes cover the top and three sides with a sheet (Rosie is fearful) ... or top and two sides with a sheet (TiTia who is partially in front of the window and likes to look out), or just the top (Minnie Lu is placed next to a high piece of furniture).  Since there are other kitties here, I put a throw rug on the top for others to lay on, and a basket or two with fleece for naps.  At present none of my kitties spend all of their time in their condos but use them for meals, or illness or being aggressive with others.  My new kids live in them for a while, but I do give them "recess" time when the others are locked in the other room, etc.  
For a sprayer or one who likes to stand up to pee, I cut a piece of cardboard box to wrap around the inside of half the bottom of the cage - easier than cleaning the walls and floor :(
Betcha you didn't expect this much info!!!  Hope it helps.   
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:55 AM
Subject: When it rains...

It really does pour!  Well you’ve all been very patient with me when I asked questions about Big Boy—he is still here and I am still looking for a home.  A previous offer did not pan out through no fault of the person offering…  Anyway, BB is still a wonderful cat who just loves to be around people & other cats but unfortunately my other FELV+, Tucson, can’t stand him & tries to attack him all the time. 


Anyway, what I’m really asking about today is your opinions of ‘cat playpens’ .  On top of trying to figure out things about BB, the friend who took in one of the other strays that I was feeding, Boo, needs to give him back. Essentially, I don’t think I kept him long enough before adopting him out and he just never really connected with her & her family.  If I knew then what I know now, I would have kept him a month or two longer but…  He is not FELV+ though he & Big Boy spent a couple of years together outside, eating out of the same dishes, etc.—go figure! 


So, I’m faced with trying to resocialize poor Boo and think that I should get one of those cat playpens.  The brand I’ve seen is Midwest & I was wondering if anyone has one and can tell me what they think or has suggestions for other brands.  I had thought about getting something like that anyway as when I sit on my balcony, all the cats want to come out & it would be nice to have a larger enclosure to put them in….


Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thank you.





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