Well, I'd thought Smoky was just p.o.'d at me when he piddled on the bed yesterday morning.  He's been weird the last couple of days and I found fresh blood on his peeper this morning.  I'd found a very bloody clump in the box yesterday, but I assumed it was fecal matter because that's what his chronic problem has been.  I took the boys in this morning (Bandit was along for moral support) and I spoke to the vet once and she said that there was so much blood in the sterile sample they took that it was coagulating.....  oof.  I'm waiting for her to call back with some test results on his blood and urine and I'm so worried about my big guy.  Please send your magic vibes his way.... and my wallet's way, the bill is already at $350....  I can cover this, but not much more - If I could afford it, nothing would be an issue, I have no problem spending the $$ on their care.....  it's just another worry - esp at this time of year... 
but hopefully we've caught this early, the piddle on the bed yesterday was not discolored at all...  pray for him!!
Thanks folks!

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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