That is so awesome!!!  Go Simon!!

Either the steroids or your thoughts and prayers are kicking in, because when I just went in the bedroom to syringe feed Simon he was eating dry food! He did not eat that much by the looks of the bowl, but he was munching away and then climbed on me while I opened a new box, ate a few pieces of tender vittles, and then about 5 bites of wet food. I did not even give him any cipro this afternoon, assuming his appetite would not come back. He then laid down and is just purring non-stop and kneading.  If you pray, please pray that this lasts a while.  It is amazing how our expectations change-- this morning I was still hoping for remission, and now my heart is almost singing just because he is purring and eating a few bites of food, and hoping that it lasts even a few days. Seeing him feeling better, though, even if only for a few moments, makes me feel more like I made the right decision earlier today. Part of me thought I should have insisted on the Adriamycin b! ecause he was feeling so rotten anyway, on the slim chance it might help even though it would probably make him sick. I did not think he had much to lose. Now I see what he would have had to lose because he is feeling better and probably would not have (would have been in the hospital, actually).  I just pray this continues for a few days, or even a few hours, as he seems so content. My partner thinks it is the prayers that are helping him, as there are studies showing that prayer does work (I am agnostic, but the studies do seem to show this), so please keep sending thoughts and prayers.  I am praying also, figuring I can pray without deciding on a detailed ontology.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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