Title: Message
She said he's very anemic. And toxic. Which my (human) doctor friend said means, for humans "that they are critically-ill and most unlikely unable to fight the infection that they have". 
I think that's probably what it means in animals too.
I appreciate your thoughts Michelle, but there is no way in the world that I would take from Simon after all he' and you have been thru even if Nina did have some to spare! Also the feline interferon route is not one that I've considered after I realized that it would have to be administered like regular interferon. (Mine are on that, but it's been hit and miss, as they're feral. Tho I will say Levi has always taken his. But they take with tuna water--I can't syringe it on to the back of their throat, which is the no 1 option I believe.) Also the $$$ rule it out in any case. Also, those b****** FDA people have frozen it now.)
My priority is getting him to eat tonight. Wish me luck!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:45 PM
To: felvtalk@vlists.net
Subject: Re: Levi's result

What is the diagnosis exactly, or is that still unclear?
I actually think you should get hold of some feline interferon if at all possible.  Maybe you can talk to Nina about it.  I think Levi needs it more urgently than Simon, and it has more possibility of helping him if he does not have cancer.
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