hi everyone..just wanted to let you know that I was going on digest..I thought about no mail..but I figureedd this way I could still read when I could....ANYWAYS..I am researching and trying to implemetn a RAW diet for all 4 cats..including Akira..and teh 2 dogs..so I subscribed to several RAW lists that I figure..FOR NOW..I need to get individually..so I put everything else on DIGEST...since I allready get so many each day....I will continue to pray for everyone and tehir kitties, And bless Simon..as I am sure he is over teh rainbow bridge..happy, healthy and full of life playing with all our other parted furkids..waiting for his time to be reunited with you and Gary.
Anyways..if anyone needs me specifically then just email me directly so I get it quicker!!!   Ill be back to normal soon hopefully..once I get all this other info processed!!!
PS..if anyone on here feeds RAW..email me with ideas/history etc..ALSO...from what I have been finding in my research...RAW diets can greatly boost the immune system....enoughn to handle any Samonella or Ecoli...just like another cat...you just have to  make sure not to leave it out to long..and put it up for later...sounds like a GREAT way to support our special little furballs....if anyone is interested in teh group it is on YAHOO groups and is called RAWCAT
and fur-brats
Akira--FeLV miracle baby www.geocities.com/anzajaguar
Indy-- Truley Indian Jones as a cat..FEARLESS
Lance- Mini wire haired dashchund
Bow-Tie- 2yr old (ssshhhh he doesnt know he is 15 :) ) jack russel cross
Bennie Bird-- Vampire cockatiel
Anza-- sexist Senegal parrot..deffinantly a ladies bird :)

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