I made a dockerized version of FEniCS (to be defined below). I would like
to hear some comments and see if there is interest in adding this as yet
another way of deploying FEniCS.

Docker (http://www.docker.com/) is an open source lightweight virtual
machine, popular among the cloud computing community. It has many advanced
features but the only thing that matters here is that it is easy, fast, and
runs almost everywhere (win, mac, linux, google cloud, amazon ec2, etc, but
no, not yet android~).

The result is a "FEniCS-in-a-box" with the following objectives achieved:
- Get FEniCS running with <5 lines of command on most computers (I get
FEniCS with 3 lines on ArchLinux).
- Preferrably not compiling for hours. If it has to be compiled, it is
guaranteed to succeed (even on a cluster with weird toolchains).
- FEniCS is properly contained in a stable environment (unaffected by
things like boost, gcc updates) and can be shared between computers (for
checking and comparison).
- Minimal loss of performance.

To test it:
1. Go to http://docs.docker.com, find out how to install docker on your
system (1 line command in ArchLinux, similar for most linux distros).
2. Deploy the FEniCS 1.4 image (1 line, download ~4GB, pretty fast, no
    sudo docker pull lzlarryli/fenics:test
2'. Alternatively, you can build FEniCS against a minimum Ubuntu (2 lines,
~1Gb download, ~30 min compiling):
    wget http://www.math.umn.edu/~lixx1445/fenics_docker/Dockerfile
    sudo docker build -t="lzlarryli/fenics:test" .
3. Run FEniCS (1 line):
    sudo docker run -t -i --name fenics -v /tmp:/tmp lzlarryli/fenics:test
The above creates a virtual machine instance based on the FEniCS image:
             -t  means attach a terminal
             -i  means interactive
             --name  gives a name to the machine
             -v /tmp:/tmp   mounts the local /tmp to the /tmp in the
virtual machine so files can be shared.
After running that line, you end up in the FEniCS demo directory and can go
ahead and run some demos (fenics.conf is souced already).
4. Once done, run exit. It is the same as ssh into another computer.

To use FEniCS again, just run
    sudo docker start fenics
    sudo docker attach fenics

Clean up
    Remove this virtual machine instance:
       sudo docker rm fenics
    Remove the downloaded image:
       sudo docker rmi lzlarryli/fenics:test
    Uninstall docker.

How is this build?
It is built from a simple Dockerfile (
http://www.math.umn.edu/~lixx1445/fenics_docker/Dockerfile), which
basically downloads a minimal Ubuntu (~80Mb) and then use Dorsal to compile
a FEniCS in it. In fact with the same file, DockerHub (also free) can link
repositories to Bitbucket, which completely automates the process of
building images. DockerHub is free for binary repositoreis of arbitrary
size, as long as it is public. This is one of Docker's advantage over other
virtual machines, where images have to be produced by hand and hosted

It is annoying that sudo is used all the time. This undesirable effect can
be dealt with by installing sshd in the virtual machine and expose the port
to the local machine (2 lines, see Docker docs). Then administrators (who
not necessarily know how to compile FEniCS) can use sudo to install docker,
FEniCS, and run the virtual machine as a daemon. Users can then ssh into it
without sudo or anything else. The users are contained in the virtual
machine, so it is safe.

This is the part I was not able to test in a reasonable way. I have FEniCS
1.3 on various systems (none of them runs ubuntu) and FEniCS 1.4 on the
virtual Ubuntu machine. The dockerized version runs enlarged FEniCS demo
problems faster than the native on the same computer, which is ridiculous.
I can only say that probably 1.4 is faster than 1.3 (good job, btw). Most
modern (reads non-graduate-student-office) computers have virtualization,
which makes the virtual machine performance comparable to the native one.
You are welcome to test and show benchmark results.

Precompiled binaries or binaries compiled against standard libraries
certainly performs worse than those compiled against hardware-specific
optimized libraries. Yet there are quite many cases where performance is
not critical but easy deployment is: (1) students, (2) new users, (3) code
developement and testing, (4) cluster/system admins who are not familar
with numerical software, (5) theoretical numerical analysts (use cluster
only when memory outflows), (6) people who have to run FEniCS on many
different platforms. Personally, I am (5)(6) and sometimes (4) breaks
FEniCS on machines I want to use. This at least makes my life quite easier.

More info about docker (can be interesting):

Lizao (Larry) Li
Univeristy of Minnesota
fenics mailing list

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