Damned If You Don't Chapter 3
By the Composer and Bolivar Q. Shagnasty

We don't own Ranma, and even the premise of this story is somewhat not ours.

Nodoka watched in concern as Kasumi slowly and unevenly peeled the
carrot.  "Dear, I'm still not certain you're entirely all right."

"I am still feeling a bit shaky."

"If you wish, I can handle this for you."

Kasumi considered this, then said, "I appreciate that, Auntie, but you
already helped out with breakfast.  The least I can do is help out with

Nodoka nodded and continued monitoring the rice in the pot.  "Could you
wash the daikon, dear?"

Kasumi nodded, and wordlessly started running the daikon under the tap. 
Nodoka watched this for a second, then sighed.

"Really, Kasumi, I think you are too tired to prepare dinner."  She
picked up the nailbrush and took the daikon from her.  "These need to be

"Yes, of course.  I'm sorry, auntie," the younger woman apologized.  

"Don't worry dear, we all have our off days.  I'll be happy to help
out.  I honestly miss it.  I admit," she continued, "that it can be a
bit much when you're doing it every day."

Kasumi looked a touch faint at the last sentence, but shook it off.  "I
don't think I agree with you, Auntie."

She chuckled.  "Your devotion to your sisters is commendable."  She was
surprised that Kasumi blushed at this, then chalked it up to her
well-known modesty.

Nodoka continued scrubbing the taproot and sighed to herself.  "Kasumi
dear, my apron strings are getting loose again, can you tighten them for

"O-of course, Auntie."

She felt Kasumi fumbling with the knot at the back of the apron, then
heard her mutter something a touch unladylike.  "I'm sorry, Auntie.  I
dropped a string."

Her hand brushed across Nodoka's bottom, recovering the string.  Nodoka
gasped in surprise.


"No harm done."

Kasumi finished tightening and re-tying the apron.  "All done."

"Thank you, dear."

'Oh, this is very wrong.'  Nodoka closed her eyes momentarily.  'I
really must try not to enjoy such...accidents.'

The sound of the front door brought both women's attention to new
arrivals.  "We're home!" Nabiki's voice cried out.  

"Honestly, I can't believe you got tricked into wearing that, Ranma!"
Akane's voice, obviously peeved.

"Hey, it ain't my fault these things happen to me!" Ranma's voice

"Well, you should make sure your sisters are prepared for dinner,"
Nodoka said, her voice sounded a bit nervous.  "Especially Akane.  Lord
knows that girl gets active."

Kasumi's eyes glazed over slightly before she shook her head, as if
clearning her mind.  "Oh, of course," she added, barely containing a
smile as she left Nodoka to finish up dinner preparation.

Nodoka called after her, "You could probably do with another soak in the
furo.  Perhaps your sisters could join you?"

* * * * *

Kasumi paced back to the kitchen with an empty tray.  "Miss Cologne,
would it be possible for me to leave soon? I would like to check on my

"Sorry my dear, but the dinner rush is going to need you around for
another half hour, maybe 20 minutes."

Kasumi nodded, and set the tray down.  "Is table seven's order ready? 
They are getting rather insistent."

Kasumi yawned widely, and Cologne looked at her sharply.




"Oh, bother.  Not again."  Kasumi shuddered, then picked up one of five
cups of thick black coffee, and knocked it back.  She shuddered.  "I do
dislike coffee."

"As much business as you would bring with your...primary recharge...in
the dining room, we could do without the publicity." Cologne stated.

Kasumi considered the implications, and blushed deeply.  "I think I will
have to develop a taste for coffee."

* * * * *

Akane upended the bucket over her head, and shuddered.  She glanced up
as the door opened.  "Oh, hi, Kasumi."

"Hello, Akane."  Kasumi certainly looked tired;  her eyes weren't
meeting Akane's, but drooping towards the ground.  "I'm not really here
to bathe;  I just want to soak in the furo."

"Of course.  It should be nice and warm," Akane offered as she picked up
the wash cloth and started to scrub.

"If you want," offered Kasumi, "I can do your back."

"That would be great, Kasumi," Akane answered as she turned on the
stool, her back offered to her sister.

"I don't really trust my balance right now..."  Kasumi put her hand on
Akane's shoulder, and knelt slowly.  "I haven't been feeling well

"You spend too much time taking care of us, Kasumi.  And no-one here
ever really appreciates you for it."


Akane blinked.  That was rat"Actually, I do believe it."  Kasumi looked
a bit wistful.  "I always felt that you two got along better than you
pretended to..."

Akane looked at her sister, and sighed.  "I know what you're thinking,
Sis.  Don't worry, there's someone out there for you."

"I thought there was, but I'm worried that I've lost...him."

Akane noted the hesitation before the last word, but pressed on.  "We
don't know where Doctor Tofu is, but I'm sure he's all right."her...not

"Ranma in particular seems to take me for granted."

Akane went from blink to boggle.  Her sister must really not be feeling
well at all.  She wasn't sure how to feel; these words from her sister
felt cold to her.  But the familiar hands rubbing her shoulders helped
dispel her unease.

Those hands started to drift lower, however, their rubbing felt like
probing, as if seeking something.  Akane wasn't concerned;  she'd been
on the receiving end of several of Kasumi's back rubs, and her sister
was a pro.  But when the hands drifted down below the small of her back,
she started to worry.

"You have such a firm butt, Akane," Kasumi complimented.

"Lots of exercise, and eating right," Akane chuckled, but it sounded a
touch hollow to her.

She could feel the fingertips drift lower, almost tracing the curve of
her butt.  Akane was paralysed, not sure if she should say something, or
even if she could.

Kasumi pulled her hands away, and Akane heaved a sigh of relief.  She
hoped it would be mistaken for a sigh of relaxation.  She heard Kasumi
moving behind her, and her sister said, "Will you wash my back now?"

Akane slowly turned and saw Kasumi's bare back exposed to her.  She
looked the same, but at the same time, it didn't quite feel the same. 
Akane brushed off her fears as stress from the schoolday and worked a
lather into the washcloth.

Kasumi's hair was down, and spilled over her back;  Akane gathered it up
and tossed it over her older sister's shoulder.  "I always envied your


"Yeah...when I had my hair long, I was trying to look like you."

"It always gets in the way," the older girl confessed.

Akane started to scrub her back, and chuckled.  "Maybe so.  But it looks
so much more...feminine...than mine."

"You have no need to be jealous, Akane.  You're still a very beautiful
young woman."

Again, Akane felt a bit disturbed.  She finished scrubbing Kasumi's
back, then grinned, and started kneading her shoulders.  

"Mmm, you're really good with your hands, Akane," Kasumi moaned, her
voice had a slight sensual flavor to it.

"I learned from the best."

Kasumi turned her head slightly.  "Are you ready for a soak now?"

"Sure."  Akane grinned again.  "A good back rub, followed by a hot
soak...a match made in heaven."

Kasumi stood, and stepped into the furo.  She lay back, and said,
"speaking of matches...how are you and Ranma getting along?"

"Why do you have to ask?"  Akane followed her into the furo.  "You see
me and the perverted jerk every day."

"I only see your public face.  I know there's more below the surface,
that I don't get to see."

"Well, to tell the truth..."  Akane leaned back in the tub.  "We're
getting along a bit better, if you can believe that."

"Actually, I do believe it."  Kasumi looked a bit wistful.  "I always
felt that you two got along better than you pretended to..."

Akane looked at her sister, and sighed.  "I know what you're thinking,
Sis.  Don't worry, there's someone out there for you."

"I thought there was, but I'm worried that I've lost...him."

Akane noted the hesitation before the last word, but pressed on.  "We
don't know where Doctor Tofu is, but I'm sure he's all right."

Akane almost could have sworn she saw a grimace on Kasumi's face, but it
was so slight she couldn't have been sure.

Kasumi looked up at Akane again, and said, "So you and Ranma are working
things out.  That's good.  Does his curse still bother you?"

Akane looked away slightly, her gaze dodging her sister almost as much
as she wished to dodge the question.  "Not really.   The Ranma I knew
always had the curse.  To me, it IS Ranma."

"You have surely noticed the number of times he has been stuck in girl
form.  Eventually, your relationship will become more physical - not
until you are married, of course."  Kasumi looked at her with a
comically stern expression, and Akane giggled.  "Have you considered
what may happen in that event?"

"I guess...I will see what happens?"

"You don't sound very certain of yourself.  In matters such as this, you
really ought to be certain."

Akane looked down in the water for a full minute.   She stood from the
water and stepped out of the furo.  "Thanks for the advice, Kasumi.  I
guess I have a lot of thinking to do."

"Do you love him?"

"...Yes."  Akane studied her toes.  "Boy form or girl form, he's still
Ranma.  I guess that means I've gotta be more...open to ideas."

Akane stepped out of the furo room, sliding the door shut behind her. 
If she'd lingered a moment longer, she might have seen her sister clench
her fist, a look of depression on her face.

* * * * *

Gosunkugi narrowed his eyes at the sliding door, right after Akane left
the bath.  His  physical frustration could now be matched with the
emotional one he felt.  'I always suspected but... I can't believe it! 
She loves that jerk!' he cursed in his mind angrily.

 "Well, of course she does."


>From the mists, a female figure coalesced.  "Just your friendly
neighbourhood Goddess of Hell."

Gosunkugi realized with a start that the Devil was naked, just as she
settled into the furo.  He covered his eyes.

"Don't be stupid, dear boy."  The Devil stretched.  "Curves like this
were meant to be stared at.  Besides, what's one more naked woman after
the tally you racked today?"

"Only two..."

"Oh, and that form your wearing is male?"

Gosunkugi sighed.  "Alright, three.  So why are you here?"

"Well, my dear boy, I first have to say that I'm rather impressed with
your work.  You've managed not to blow your cover, despite several
chances to do so."  She grinned.  "Plus, I've got a bit of advice for

"If it's for feminine hygiene, I'd rather not hear.  I hope to not visit
that long."

"Not at all.  It's about that girl, Akane."  The Devil sighed.  "Quite
frankly, I knew all too well that you didn't have a prayer with her. 
She and the gender bender are far too tight for you to break them up."

"Then why did you allow this wish?"

"I told you.  I'm more interested in corrupting Kasumi."  She grinned. 
"If you waste a week, while I work on Miss Goody Two-Shoes, why, that
doesn't bother me at all.  Besides," she added with a grin, "if you can
make her outside just as corrupt as I hope to make her inside, then all
the better."

Gosunkugi considered this, and sighed.  "Well, I guess that proves
you're the Devil.  So, what should I do instead of pursuing Akane?"

"I can advise you on that as well."  The Devil grinned.  "But there is a
price to pay."

"Well, you already took my balls.  What else could you want?"

"Simple, really.  A minor corruption.  Nothing big.  Just violation of a

"Whose vow?"

"That redhead you were eyeing in the bath, of course."

"I'll try, how's that?"

"Not nearly good enough."  The Devil's eyes gleamed with fire.  "Making
you promise would be futile;  too many variables at play for a mere
mortal to comprehend.  But I promise you pain if you fail."

"And your advice?"

The Devil laughed.  "Quite simple, really.  Under this roof, you have
two of the most sexually frustrated women in Tokyo.  One of them is
Tendo Kasumi."

"So this horniness isn't just me?"

"There's only so much a puberty soaked male mind can do, and you have
been doing well, just as you should.  Do remember to not fight your

"I'll leave that for you to figure out..." the woman answered as she
faded into the steam.


Gosunkugi knocked lightly on the door, and when no answer was
forthcoming, quickly stepped through into Nabiki's room.

He was certain that the girl had a camera in her room.  He opened the
top drawer on the dresser, then closed it quickly, grabbing his nose.

"Damn, I thought I was used to lingerie...Nabs' collection is a lot
racier than Kasumi's..."

He opened the next drawer and saw several little black books and folders
full of photographs.  'Getting warmer' he thought.

The third drawer revealed, in and among the skirts and slacks, a tiny
camera.  Its film compartment was empty, but he quickly located a roll
of film that matched the camera.

He examined the camera;  it was obviously chosen with espionage in
mind.  Shooting 110 film, it had a variable shutter speed and time delay
feature;  an uncommon combination.

He hurried back to Kasumi's room, then as before, locked the door. 
'Mission or not, if I don't blow off some steam, I'm going to explode.' 
He tossed the robe on the floor, and stepped up to the mirror again.

Gosunkugi was certainly an admirer of the female form, and this form was
one of the finest specimens in a town full of babes.  'I don't think
I'll ever get bored of this.'

He examined the camera.  'Auto advance, auto timed shooting.  Those
Americans make quite the interesting gadgets.'  He loaded the film
cartridge, then set the camera up and checked the timer.

Finally, he settled on a 30 second delay and settled the camera infront
of the mirror.  Satisfied, at least with the camera, Gosunkugi let his
hands fall where they may.

His hands cupped his breasts greedily, and he gasped at the sight in the
mirror.  'Oh, I should have had this set up a while ago.'  

His frustration had been mounting all day.  He'd spent a fair amount of
the day with Nodoka, and the bath with Akane minutes ago hadn't helped
anything at all.  Not to mention, his glimpse at Nabiki's private
collection.  He had little difficulty picturing the silken scraps of
cloth on Nabiki's body.

His fingers continued his explorations with his eyes, watching as those
soft fingertips squeezed into the soft flesh of Kasumi's bust.  'I
should find some of that in my new size,' he thought as he tweaked his
nipples gently.

He took a step back, and fell backwards against the bed.  His legs stuck
out, bent at the knee, and he allowed them to fall open, exposing all of
Kasumi's secrets to the mirror and the camera.

He heard the shutter click, and grinned, knowing he had just taken what
would be the most prized shot in Nerima.

Gosunkugi sat up on the bed and stretched slowly, as if he was waking
up.   The sound of the shutter again.  He reached over with a hand,
intending to stabilize himself for another cheesecake shot, and his hand
encountered something hard and plastic.  Curious, he pulled the object
from the bedframe.   A quick glance revealed the object and it's
intended function. He could only grin as the shutter sounded again.

"Oh, now this is naughty..."  

Kasumi's toy, her favourite judging by the fact that it was reasonably
available close to hand.  Purple, studded with bumps, and a good deal
larger than his own cock had been.

Closer examination revealed that it was activated by a switch on the
base.  It leaped to life in his hand as he toggled the switch, and he

"And here I thought I already had a top-selling picture..."

It seemed lewd, almost wrong to use Kasumi's voice to say such perverted
things.  "As the Americans say," Gosunkugi stated as he settled back in
the bed, pulsating toy in hand, "So wrong it's right."

The instant that the vibrator met flesh, he realized jarringly that
Kasumi was not the sweet and innocent girl that everyone assumed.

The sensations caused as the vibrator touched the clitoral hood were
blindingly intense.  His own fingers hadn't produced this sort of
effect;  possibly because they were not capable of sixty vibrations per

'I didn't know if Kasumi could fit this monster...maybe she doesn't have

Another moan shot through him as he worked the tip of the vibrator
against the top of his new equipment in small circles.  He pulled his
freehand up to a breast and roughly fondled it.  Gosunkugi was soon
losing count of the exposures the camera has taken.

He'd already learned from prior experimentation that Kasumi was not
technically a virgin;  his curiosity got the better of him, and he slid
the tip of the toy down to her passage.


Cologne had leaped from branch to branch, till she'd reached a vantage
point that allowed her a decent view in through Kasumi's window. 
Kasumi, on the other hand, had been forced to climb.  And her new body
lacked the stamina of the old.

"I'm surprised you could climb a tree like that, girl, especially in a
dress like that," Cologne complimented her new waitress.  

"My father was sure all his daughters were trained in the art," Kasumi
answered.  "This body is a bit dfferent than what I'm used to, balance
wise, but I can adapt."

"Still, you're going to need to work on your conditioning."  Cologne
frowned.  "Whoever is riding your body, they have the sense to close the

Kasumi frowned, and said, "I think I can open them from here."  She
concentrated, and the blinds shifted, allowing a halfway-decent view
into the bedroom.

"Very useful ability," the older woman praised.   

"I think it's based on the ability to be a voyeur," Kasumi confessed.

"Perhaps.  I think that it would--"  She broke off, as she saw what was
occurring in the bedroom.

"What, what are you seeing?" Kasumi asked as she attempted to get a
better view.

Cologne cackled, and said, "Take a look, girl.  It's nothing you haven't
seen before!"

Kasumi's eyes widened, as she took in the view of...herself.  Lying legs
spread open on the bed, working a vibrator in and out of her body.

"Oh, my."  She blushed, badly enough that she was surprised that she
wasn't glowing.  "I mean...really..."

Cologne rolled her eyes.  "At a moment like this, that's the worst thing
you have to say?"  Her eyes darted to the mirror and the camera set up
in front of it.  "It appears that, whoever your new tenant is, she is
making some...souveniers."


Gosunkugi's hips hunched up as the pleasure burned through him.  'To
think she's never gotten laid!' he thought as he pressed on.

His other hand pulled on a nipple, twisting it slightly, the pain and
pleasure mixed in his mind as he worked a quick rhythm.

"More..."  His voice was cracked and fragile.  "Oh, God!"

His hips were bucking against the vibrator in a constant rhythm now,
quite beyond his control.  His orgasm was just as intense as the last,
and lasted quite a bit longer.


Cologne watched the scene, and could not help but wipe some sweat from
her brow.  "Definitely not Ranma in there, which would have been my
first bet.  And I'm not sensing a succubus spirit inside either.  No,
that's definitely human."  

"But who?"

"If I knew that, I would tell you.   There's too much of your own
residual energy in that shell, enough to fool all but the most sensitive
of senses."

 Kasumi paused to consider, but nothing came to mind.  Cologne glanced
over at her.  "Girl.  What are you doing?"

She blinked and looked down...and realized that her hand had crept up
her skirt, and was caressing her own crotch.

Cologne sniffed, and said, "A bit of a Narcissus, eh?"

Kasumi closed her eyes.  "I can't help it...it's all I can think

"It's the Demon part of you."

"I need..."  Kasumi shook her head.  "I need to find release!"

Cologne sighed.  "Release.  For a Succubus, this is a dangerous thing. 
You can't find it on your own, no matter how hard you try."

"Then I need to find someone else!"

Kasumi dropped from the tree, her fall slowing as she approached the
ground, and then leaped effortlessly over the stone wall.  Cologne
cursed as the lust-crazed girl ran off into the night.


"Oh, God!  Saotome-san!"

Nodoka paused at Kasumi's door, one hand raised to knock.  The voice
from within was definitely Kasumi, but the tone...

She lowered her hand, and stepped back.  Staggered back, actually.

There were three Saotomes living under this roof.  She knew that Kasumi
was doing her best to push Ranma and Akane together...but what if...? 
Her son was certainly manly enough to warrant Kasumi's lust.

Her worthless husband, she struck off the list instantly.  Kasumi had a
brain, after all.

Her mind drifted back to the earlier incident in the bath and she felt
her cheeks burn brightly.  What if it were her?

She pushed the thought aside with some difficulty.  She was a married
woman.  Kasumi was a woman, not a man.  She was also only twenty.  Three
very good reasons why Nodoka should not tear off her kimono, knock down
the door, and jump on the bed to--

She slapped herself.  "Bad thoughts.  Very bad."

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