It took a longer time than expected to finish this,
and most of the prereaders were busy when I sent out
the finished version last week, so I'm making a second
request several months later than the last, and hope
this doesn't constitute a problem or violation of
policies, in which case I apologise. Constructive
input would be very appreciated.

Please take note that this final part of the story
constitutes 11 chapters, or over 61000 words, and I
personally consider it a massive divergence and leap
in quality from the first half. (Hosted at ) 

The introduction, and first chapter title follow


Nabiki & Ranma – Together 4ever - Part II


Nabiki has a plan. Urd has an itchy trigger-finger.
Ranma has a life turned upside-down. Ryuu has a duty.
Taro has a purpose. Ryoga has problems, and an
unwanted nanny. The antagonists have delightful
characters. Kuno talks funny. A yarn for those who
want to read something experimental, darkly ironic, a
bit challenging, and very different.


Ranma ½ © Rumiko Takahashi, Oh! My Goddess! © Kosuke
Fujishima, as well as any local licensee affiliates.
However everything of my own creation connected to
this story, including scenarios, titles, dialogue,
text, and any original characters are © to myself, and
may not be used without permission. Any similarity to
existing people or organisations is unintentional and
entirely coincidental, beyond archetypical
significance. No animals were harmed through the
writing of this story.


This story will contain a great deal of potentially
offensive, politically incorrect, unfamiliar, or
emotionally challenging material, virtually regardless
of personal disposition, including swearing,
disturbing characters and philosophies, innuendo, and
graphic violence. Please consider if this is something
that you are capable of handling before continuing.
ItÂ’s using a loose timeframe between scenes, much like
the manga itself. Jumps may imply anything from a few
hours to several days. The characterisation is also
almost exclusively firmly sourced in the manga, rather
than the anime, in which several characters turned far
less vicious or powerful.


The story thus far

Nabiki has a plan to use her available resources.
Corporate life-sentences, Japanese glass-ceilings, and
accountability are very bad words. Urd is a bored,
higher-dimensional, time-spinning, semi-amoral meddler
with an itchy trigger-finger, and very suspicious
views of what constitutes an interesting ‘solution’ or
‘perfect girlfriend’. Ranma momentarily wishes to get
out of a circular routine. Uh-ohÂ…

Nabiki turns herself into an über-metamorph. Absolute
power is kind of neat, and corruption is underrated.
Urd gives Nabiki a conscience. She's NOT happy. Urd
makes Nabiki obsessed with Ranma. She's really giddy.
Peorth isn't pleased. Nabiki puts Ranma in intense
hypnotic sex therapy to refocus his affections. Cue to
brief lemon segment. Ranma is happy, content, needy,
horny, ashamed, angry, suspicious and enthralled. They
become a dysfunctional couple! Goofy situations, and
wordy character interactions follow. Nabiki thinks
it's perfectly normal to torture antagonists. Ranma
disagrees, but forgives her ‘cause she's funny and
cute. They still have nearly nothing in common, but
that hasnÂ’t stopped most people.

And now for something completely differentÂ…


The neutral, the bad, and the badasses

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