
Me wants more.

How old is Nanoha at this point? Same age as Naruto? 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:09 PM
> To: ffml@chez-vrolet.net
> Subject: [FFML] [Naruto][Crossover][Fic] Overkill, Prologue: 
> Of Demons, Gods, and Mysterious Encounters
>     Eight-year-old Uzumaki Naruto stood in the middle of the 
> street, not knowing what to say to the woman who had just 
> made such an outrageous statement. "Anything?" he finally asked.
>     "Yes," the mysterious woman replied, her violet eyes 
> shining with mirth. "Any wish you desire. All you have to do 
> is to ask and I will ensure that it comes true. You deserve 
> that much, at least."
>     "Even if I wanted... a friend?"
>     "Friends?" she inquired. "That is simple enough. For you, 
> who have known naught but lonliness, it is only natural to 
> desire companionship. 
> Very well. Should you ask that of me, I shall help you to 
> find stalwart companions, loyal friends who shall never abandon you."
>     "That sounds... good," he whispered.
>     "That is what you desire?"
>     "Yes."
>     "Very well, then," the woman finished as she faded into 
> nothingness. 
> "It will be so."
>     "Wait!" Naruto shouted. "Who are you?"
>     "Taka-mi-musu-bi-no-kami," a faint whisper carried to his ears.
> -----------
>     Overkill,
>     A Naruto Fanfiction,
>     By Aleh
>     Prologue: Of Gods, Devils, and Mysterious Encounters
> -----------
>     Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto nor Mahou Shoujo Lyrical 
> Nanoha. I do wish that I did, however.
> -----------
>     A few things became readily apparent to Naruto. None of 
> the people on the street had seemed to notice what had 
> happened... and they had responded with a mix of confusion 
> and disgust when he asked.
>     Well, those that had actually /responded/ had done so. 
> Most had just ignored him and walked on.
>     As the day progressed Naruto became increasingly confused 
> about what had happened and eventually convinced himself that 
> it had just been a pleasant daydream. He'd nearly forgotten 
> about it by the time he fell asleep that night.
>     Almost as soon as he fell asleep, however, Naruto awoke 
> with a start as his bed disappeared from underneath him. 
> Quickly opening his eyes and looking around, he found himself 
> flailing his arms about as he fell towards an unfamiliar street.
>     Then he saw a brown-haired girl walking right towards 
> where he was about to land. "Watch out!" he yelled, startling 
> the girl who reflexively stopped walking as her gaze snapped 
> to follow the falling boy.
>     With that he landed, barely missing the wide-eyed 
> brunette as he crashed into the ground.
>     "Are you okay?" she frantically asked, approaching him.
>     "Of course," Naruto exclaimed, shaking somewhat as he 
> stood up. "It'll take more than that to take out the future Hokage!"
>     "Hokage?" the girl asked, her twin ponytails cutely 
> framing her blue eyes. "What's that?"
>     "Only the strongest, coolest ninja in all of Fire Country!"
>     "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"
>     Naruto blinked.
>     "Ah!" she suddenly shouted before bowing. "I'm Takamachi Nanoha. 
> Pleased to meet you."
>     "Umm," Naruto replied, somewhat confused. "I'm Uzumaki 
> Naruto. Please to..."
>     Naruto's introduction was cut off by a backpack falling 
> out of the sky and hitting him on the head.
>     "Ow," Naruto muttered, dazed as he lay on the sidewalk, 
> "that hurt."
>     "Don't worry," Nanoha frantically reassured him as she 
> waved her hands and ran in a circle, "I'll get you to a 
> clinic right away... just don't die!"
>     Had Naruto been in any condition to do so, he would have 
> sweatdropped at the sight.
> -----------
>     The next few minutes were a blur to Naruto as Nanoha 
> practically dragged him to a nearby clinic and begged the 
> resident doctor to take a look at him. While the ultimate 
> conclusion -- that Naruto was fine, if a bit dazed -- was a 
> given to him, the concern that the doctor showed him was a 
> new thing, something that he didn't really know what to make of.
>     "Naruto-kun," the doctor stated, "you should take it easy 
> for a few days. I'll ask Nanoha-chan to take you home, but 
> you really need to be more careful in the future, okay?"
>     Naruto blinked, not having recognised anything he'd seen 
> since his arrival.
>     "But sensei," Nanoha protested, "I don't know where he lives!"
>     "That's okay," the doctor reassured her. "I have his address."
>     Naruto blinked again. "How do you know..."
>     "Ah," Nanoha apologized. "I'm sorry, but we weren't sure 
> about your bag so we looked inside. Sensei found your ID card..."
>     "ID card?" Naruto parroted.
>     "Yes," the doctor agreed. "Anyway," she stated, writing 
> an address on a piece of paper and handing it to Nanoha, "do 
> you think that you can find that address? I'll write a note 
> for your school..."
>     At that point Nanoha got a good look at the paper the 
> doctor had handed her. "Aaaah," she shouted. "That's /my/ house!"
>     Naruto and the doctor could only blink at that.
> -----------
>     A quick phone-call to Nanoha's home later, the doctor had 
> discovered that there wasn't a mistake... but that Naruto had 
> just moved in with them on short notice and Nanoha's family 
> had intended to introduce the two of them later. Naruto, of 
> course, was totally clueless about the matter -- especially 
> since he didn't understand what a phone was -- but decided 
> that going to her house was the best course of action.
>     On the way to Nanoha's house her cell-phone rang, 
> startling Naruto. 
> After a brief conversation that left Nanoha quite wide-eyed 
> and Naruto confused over what she was doing, Nanoha stopped 
> walking and turned toward Naruto.
>     "About the woman who sent you here... what do you know about her?"
>     "Sent me here?" Naruto asked.
>     "Yes... she said that she'd talked to you yesterday 
> morning, that you'd told her that you wanted friends..."
>     Naruto blinked, still somewhat shocked by the day's 
> events. "That wasn't a dream?"
>     He paused for a moment before reciting what he could 
> remember of the encounter... which wasn't much, periodically 
> being interrupted by Nanoha's exclamations.
>     "Eh? And she didn't even introduce herself?" Nanoha asked 
> as Naruto finished.
>     Naruto shook his head before pausing. "Wait... as she 
> left, she called herself... what was it... ah. 
> 'Taka-mi-something-no-kami.' But..."
>     Nanoha paled. "Kami?"
>     "Yeah, but there's no way she really was..."
>     "No," Nanoha disagreed. "She appeared to me, too. I don't 
> really understand what she said, but... she sent you here to 
> make friends, right?"
>     Naruto dumbly nodded.
>     "What about your friends where you came from? Won't you 
> miss them?"
>     "What friends?"
>     "Whaaaat?!" Nanoha yelled.
>     Naruto watched dumbly as his new acquaintance, in his 
> opinion, overreacted to his statement. After a few moments, 
> however, she forced herself to calm down.
>     "Well," she stated, "then I think it would be nice if we 
> were to become friends."
>     Naruto stared at her with a hopeful look as he remembered 
> the strange woman's earlier words.
>     "But... we don't know what's going on... how long you'll 
> be staying for..."
>     "Yeah," Naruto agreed, his disappointment easily visable 
> to his new friend.
>     "We'll just have to make the best of the time we have, then!"
>     Naruto looked up, his hope once again visible before a 
> hesitant look crossed his face. "But... I don't know how to 
> do that... how to become friends..."
>     "It's simple," Nanoha explained, smiling. "Becoming 
> friends is really simple. You just have to say my name. 
> That's all you need to do at the beginning. Just look into 
> someone's eyes and say their name." She met Naruto's gaze and 
> continued. "I'm Takamachi Nanoha. Just call me Nanoha."
>     "Nanoha?" Naruto hesitantly asked.
>     "Yes, like that."
>     "Nanoha..."
>     "Yes," Nanoha stated, grabbing Naruto's hand.
>     "Thank you, Nanoha-chan...," Naruto said, tears welling 
> up in his eyes as he smiled at his new friend.
>     "No, Naruto-kun," Nanoha reassured him. "I'm happy to be 
> your friend."
>     After a few moments of standing there the moment passed 
> and Naruto moved on to other topics as they resumed their walk.
>     "By the way, Nanoha-chan," he asked, "what was that thing 
> you were talking into earlier?"
>     Nanoha blinked, pulling out her cell-phone. "You mean 
> this? It's just my cell phone."
>     "What's a cell phone?"
>     Nanoha blinked again. "You've never seen a cell-phone 
> before?" She dismissed the comment, knowing that cell phones 
> weren't common in many places and started to explain. As she 
> finished, Nanoha noted that Naruto still seemed confused 
> about something.
>     "I see..." Naruto replied. "Just one question."
>     "Yes?"
>     "What's a telephone?"
>     Nanoha just stood dumbly for a few moments as Naruto's 
> question registered... before starting another explanation. 
> "A different world indeed," Nanoha thought, remembering what 
> the strange lady who claimed to be a kami had told her.
>     For the rest of the trip to Nanoha's home she and Naruto 
> traded companionable banter... although it wasn't without 
> surprises for both parties.
>     "Anyway," Nanoha explained as they approached her house, 
> "Midoriya is our coffee shop at the marketplace in front of 
> the train station. We sell various cakes, cream puffs, and 
> different types of coffee. It's a really popular place for 
> girls coming home from school and ladies around the neighborhood."
>     Naruto nodded in understanding, having had the concept of 
> a "train station" explained to him earlier.
>     "So... what kind of cake do you like?"
>     Naruto paused for a moment. "I don't know," he admitted. 
> "I've never had any."
>     "Don't tell me that you don't have cake where you're from!"
>     Naruto shook his head. "No, we have it," he explained. 
> "I've just never had any."
>     Nanoha paused at her door. "Well, we'll just have to fix 
> that, then!" 
> And with that she opened her door and walked in. "Mother, 
> Father, I'm home!"
>     It was a small wish. What Naruto wanted was to end his 
> loneliness. 
> What he was waited for was a true friend to regard as 
> precious. He got his wish. With encounters, battles, and vast 
> amounts of power... 
> Konoha's fate was silently set in motion. Even within the 
> storm, Naruto would continue to believe in the bonds that 
> connected his heart to others'... and a tale of truly 
> spectacular overkill would begin.
> --- 
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